On July 24th, 2017, community member 9 who come from Prek Takong1 and Kva community that they are living around Boeung Tumpon lake in Phnom Penh participated on community mapping, enumeration, land survey, and spatial planningthat conducted by Sahmakum Teangtnaut(STT).
The main purposes of this two days training from 26th to 27th are to improve knowledge of community member on community mapping and enumeration, legal land survey, and spatial planning as benefit during project implementation and in the future for their community. Moreover, it is the opportunity to made relationship among communities and STT’s staff through exchange experience and discussion.
This activity is a part of Human Rights Based Spatial Planning Phased II, funded from European Union and Czech Cooperation Development and implement by People In Need, Sahmakum Teangtnaut, Urban Poor Women for Development, and Open Institute.