4th Flyover Bridge and Subway Development in Phnom Penh City

Expansion and development of flyovers in Phnom Penh is a government strategy to reduce traffic jam in the city. In the past few years, the Royal Government of Cambodia has built three flyover bridges, excluding the subway​ at Stung Meanchey. The first was the Monivong flyover bridge, the second was the 7 Makara flyover bridge, and the third was the Stung Meanchey flyover and subway.

In early August 2014, government officials attended the launch ceremony of the Stung Meanchey flyover bridge. We observed that the people who frequently use the Stung Meanchey flyover were very satisfied with the reduced traffic.

However, only a small part of the city-wide traffic congestion has been eradicated. Recently, Phnom Penh City Hall announced plans to construct another flyover bridge near the Toul Kork Monument approach to the Institute of Technology of Cambodia (ITC) and the Department of Taxation on Russian Blvd.

The 4th flyover bridge and subway began construction on 9th of September 2014. The Overseas Cambodia Investment Corporation (OCIC) will be building it under the technical supervision of the Ministry of Public Work and Transport. The bridge will be 382 meters long and 15.8 meters across. The subway will be 356 meters long, and 6 to 8 meters across. The project is expected to be complete in 16 months, on the 9th of January 2016 and will cost USD 14.5 million.

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