DEY KRAHOM: Forced Eviction Purges Final Families

Riot Police oversee demolition workers

Vice Governor Mann Chhoeun poses with 7NG officials after the eviction

The final phase of eviction of Dey Krahorm residents began at 6 a.m. on Saturday 24 January, 2009 and was carried out by over 300 police officers and up to 500 breakers hired by the private company 7NG. The eviction was marked by excessive use of force endangering the lives of Dey Krahorm residents, and resulting in over 18 injuries – 5 of which were serious. It also saw the systematic destruction of private property, while the police and breakers hired by 7NG blocked attempts by human rights observers and the press to monitor and report on the event. “7NG needs to get serious about providing adequate compensation to these evicted home owners, instead of imposing arbitrary deadlines and issuing threats that these people will receive nothing,” said LICADHO director Naly Pilorge. “It is long overdue that 7NG starts to do the right thing, instead of continuing its thuggish behavior.

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