Programme Manager

Phnom Penh based Sahmakum Teang Tnaut (STT) is a Cambodian Urban NGO set up in September 2005 and officially registered with the Ministry of Interior in December 2006. STT focuses on infrastructure upgrading, however, over the past decade many communities have been impacted by development- related   land alienation and evictions.  Due to this, STT has strengthened its research and advocacy to draw attention to a development policy that in Phnom Penh alone has led to over 270,000 residents being displaced since 1990. By supporting genuine community complaints and grievances, STT and its partners have been helping communities articulate their concerns to local and international media, donors and other NGOs and INGOs.

In order to meet our new strategic plan, STT is looking for a potential candidate to join with a dynamic and energetic team for the following position:

Function Prerequisite:

The Programme Manager (PM) is responsible for overseeing program delivery and taking lead of the four main projects of STT. The PM has to make sure that advocacy-based tools are in place and widely used and promoted at the local and international level.

In collaboration with management committee and Executive Director, the PM supports strategic planning in accordance with the Vision and Mission of STT and ensures that STT operates efficiently and effectively, with clear goals, policies and a productive working atmosphere. Additionally, they will supervise implementation of STT’s monitoring & evaluation and reporting system.

Programme Manager
Unit                       : Program
Reporting to      : Executive Director
Hire                       : 1 Position
Starting Date    : January 2019
Schedule             : Full Time (Monday-Friday)
Salary Range    : N/A
Job Responsibilities:

  1. Research and Mapping: To lead research and mapping activities with the aim of developing robust data and figures on the impacts of urbanization particularly on the urban poor. To act as an advocate for research results/findings.
  2. Advocacy: To lead evidence-based advocacy and lobbying at both the local and international levels in close cooperation with the Executive Director and affected communities.
  3. Innovation: To keep abreast of developments in fields relevant to land, urban and housing issues, and to maintain an overview of the social and political climates affecting target communities. In particular to focus on communities facing eviction, and options for non-violent action and civil resistance at both local and international level.
  4. Networking: To contribute to building networks and alliances with grassroots and civil society actors both locally and internationally.
  5. Programme Management: To support development and design of programmes and projects at STT. To lead the programme implementation and monitoring & evaluation and ensure programme and projects meet the needs of STT’s stakeholders.
  6. Project Management Support: to support Project Managers in all stages of the project cycle. To oversee project work and ensure all activities conform with programme goals and objectives.
  7. Reporting: to coordinate and contribute to regular internal and external reporting, ensuring team members provide timely information for reporting. To lead the programme-specific monitoring and evaluation process.
  8. Financial Management and Administration: to implement appropriate financial management systems within the Advocacy Programme and oversee programme expenditures in accordance with STT policies and procedures. Contribute to development of budgets.
  9. Human Resource Management: to oversee and manage staff, including contributing to and participating in bi-annual staff performance appraisals
  10. Fundraising: To support the fundraising strategy for STT projects, including build links with potential donors. To support the development of proposals to potential donors
  1. Representing the Organization: To represent STT in external forums and the media with particular reference to donors and partners as required.
  2. Other duties: may be required to work on other projects as agreed within management committee or as directed by the Executive Director.
  3. Other duties: may be required to work on other projects as agreed within ED or as directed by the Board.

Qualification Required: The post holder is expected to have

  • At least 5 years’ experience, and demonstrated success at senior level management.
  • Demonstrated success in project design, implementation, monitoring, evaluation and reporting.
  • Knowledge about democratization, land and housing rights, and the social and political context in Cambodia.
  • Communication skills: Strong communication skills in Khmer and English with a range of stakeholders including communities, representatives of other NGOs and colleagues.
  • Reporting and Writing skills: The ability to write reports in Khmer and English for a range of audiences including target communities, international funders, senior management in other NGOs, the media and government. Strong computer skills and ability to make use of various media such as social media, SMS and email to enable the voices of vulnerable urban communities to be heard.
  • Presentation skills: The ability to present data and information in a clear and engaging way to a range of audiences from local community members to government officials using various media such as traditional flipchart presentations to PowerPoint presentations.
  • Networking skills: To enable STT’s capacity and skills to be widely understood across communities, particularly those under threat of eviction in Phnom Penh and to link with partner NGOs and organizations.
  • Research skills: Research and analytical ability to produce clear, concise reports concerning the housing rights of communities living under threat of eviction and in informal settlements.
  • Team player/team leader: The ability to work well in a team and where required, to lead the team – combining individual skills and strengths in producing high quality outputs for a range of audiences.
  • An enthusiastic attitude towards the work and a willingness to be involved in organizational activities.

Performance Indicators

  • The annual work plan will outline the outputs and outcomes for this post this will be monitored via supervision and annual appraisal.
  • All posts at STT are subject to a 3-month probationary period.
  • There will be a 6-monthly review with the Program Manager to assess performance and listen to any issues the employee may have.
  • This post is subject to the STTs terms and conditions of service.  The post holder is expected to follow the Code of Conduct.

Other Benefit:

  • 13th month salary
  • National Social Security Fund (NSSF)
  • Public Holiday (following prakas of MLVT)
  • Annual Leave 18 days a year
  • Sick leave 12 days a year
  • Special leave, maternity leave, paternity leave following HR policy
  • Annual staff retreat
  • Yearly capacity development

How to Apply: Interested and qualified candidates are required to submit a cover letter and resume (CV) to e-mail   or to STT’s address provided below by December 18, 2018. Applications which do not indicate the position being applied for will not be considered. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for an interview. Women and person with disabilities are encouraged to apply.

Name    : Sahmakum Teang Tnaut (STT)
Email     : /
Website :
Address : #7, Street 494, Sangkat Phsar Daeum Thkov, Khan Chamkar Morn, Phnom Penh