Story of Change

Story of Change

Story of Change Steung Kambot Community


Steung Kambot is an urban poor community located in Lor Kam Bour village, Svay Pak commune, Russey Keo district, Phnom Penh. There are 210 households, 244 families, and 847 community members (437 females). They have lived there since 1979 and continue to live there to this day.

Problem/ Challenge

Because some of the community’s houses were located along Street 1003, Russey Keo authorities did not provide land titles, nor did they recognize their land tenure. Furthermore, authorities referred to the community as a community living on public state roads. Despite having lived there since 1979, the community never obtained any official documentation to act as proof for their settlement and land titling. The community members lack confidence to advocate for their livelihoods and land tenure. From 2020 to 2021, the community suffered from the widening of the 30-meter road, and they still live under fear of imminent eviction, which could potentially have them relocate far from their original settlement.

Intervention by STT

Sahmakum Teang Tnaut (STT) went to observe and discuss the community’s challenges. After hearing their problems, STT implemented a project with the community. The project included training on the Land Law, Circular 03/06, Human Rights Principles, Advocacy and ICT skills. Now the community understands such issues better and have developed more confidence and courage. People in the community have become united and advocate very seriously about their land issues to find a solution.

More recently, the community members organized a public march to an event at the building of the Ministry of Land Management, and Urban Planning and Construction, where the Prime Minister presided. The community members just wanted to raise two points: on-site development, and land titling. The Khan authorities said that the campaign was illegal since the community residents had not submitted requests to relevant local authorities.

Result/ Outcome/ Change

As a result of STT’s intervention, the community members now have the capacity to lead community and advocacy activities more independently, with confidence. From September 2020 until now, the community has submitted five petitions to four ministries and one letter to the Prime Minister’s cabinet seeking intervention in their land settlement. In addition, on 29 October 2021, they submitted their letter to the Ministry of Justice and the relevant Anti-Corruption Unit to request intervention on their land issue. Mr. Makara received an invitation from the Russey Keo district administration to discuss the community’s land situation.

However, Mr. Sar Makara refused to attend the meeting with Mr. Prach Seiha, Deputy Governor of Russey Keo District, because Mr. Sar Makara stated that this meeting could take place only with the participation of at least 10 to 12 members of the community’s committee.

Community representatives went to the Ministry of Justice and Anti-Corruption Unit for following up the petition


In October 2021, Community members (244 families) of Steung Kambot community conducted a campaign to request the government to look at their land issue. The community blocked the street to force the authority to consider their land problem. One of the community leaders, Mrs Long Poch said “SuSu (keeping fighting for land rights)! I will die on the land”.

Authorities of Russey Keo district finally conducted a meeting with the community on the 11 November, 2021 to discuss with the community on the issues and to find solutions. More than 200 Community members of Steung Kambot community met with Mr. Ek Khun Doeun, the governor of Khan Russey Keo, to discuss and find a solution for their land issue.

Another community representative, Mrs. Reoung Oun said that “We, the community members have been living here for 30 years without a land title, but the Borey (gated-community) company has only been developing for 3 to 5 years, and getting the land title, this is very unfair for the communities.

The community members will continue to advocate by conducting advocacy events at both local and national levels, including the follow-up of submitted petitions to relevant government’s ministries and institutions.

Story of Change Russey Sros Community


Russey Sros Community is located in a residential area at Group 7 and 8, Russey Sros Village, Sangkat Niroth, Khan Chbar Ampov, in Phnom Penh. It was originally settled in 1979. There are 465 people living in the area, consisting of 100 families, occupying 100 houses. All residents are ethnically Khmer, and include eight individuals who are disabled. In 2010, the community met to re-select a new representative under supervision by Urban Poor Women Development (UPWD), World Vision Cambodia, Sahmakum Teang Tnaut (STT) and local authorities. At a June meeting in 2015, the Sangkat recognized that the Russey Sros community lives on private land that they themselves own. However, the community has not undergone the Systematic Land Registration process, without which no family can obtain a formal land title.

Despite the fact that they live on private land, residents may still face pressure to relocate. During an informal discussion with the Municipality of Phnom Penh (MPP), residents were made aware that the MPP plans to build a bridge from Koh Pich across the River, through their community. However, families have yet to receive any official notifications regarding these plans.


Problems/ Challenges

The community has lived under continuous fear of eviction, ever since they first heard of the MPP’s plan to build a bridge across the river which would force them to relocate. The community has access to electricity provided by the state and buys water from the Phnom Penh Water Supply Authority. There is no communal street lighting, nor are there any drainage systems. Some residents have a private toilet, while others use a “flight toilet” – wherein they relieve themselves in a plastic bag and then throw the bag away. There is no rubbish collection. Flooding has also been an issue throughout the three preceding rainy seasons, sometimes lasting more than four weeks.

The community comprises a number of challenges. These include water and air pollution, domestic violence, rampant drug and alcohol abuse; not to mention infrastructure challenges such as the lack of a proper drainage system, hygienic toilets, and the dilapidated state of homes in the area. Families living there are also concerned about the threat of eviction, and flooding problems.

Community members walked through flooding in the community during rainy season
Community members walked through flooding in the community during rainy season


Intervention by STT

Sahmakum Teang Tnaut (STT) has monitored the situation and collected information in the area since 2012. STT has also attempted to map the community, but this has yet to happen. The community empowerment project invited community representatives to attend community exchange visits both in Phnom Penh and in the province. These visits enabled them to witness real urban situations and provided great opportunities for communities to share knowledge. The communities notably demanded land tenure security through the implementation of systematic land registration. Additionally, community representatives and members were

invited to participate in the quarterly meetings that were conducted four times per year. It was a great opportunity for urban communities to meet each other, and to share challenges, experiences, and knowledge. This helped mobilize networks of communities to support each other through social activities with the aim of protecting their land and housing rights from the government and private companies. Exchange Learning visits helped increase capacity for community representatives to be able to exercise leadership within their community. Moreover, community members or representatives were able to gain from the project’s training. Training topics included the land law, secular 03, human rights, non-violence strategies, the basics of ICT, social media (Facebook, WhatsApp, Telegram, Signal, Citizen Journalism, Digital Security, Photo and Video making, and so on). The purpose of these trainings was to strengthen community capacity to protect their land and housing rights, and to be able to claim land title and security.

STT’s projects always teach how to produce community plans, monthly meetings, and ways to engage with local authorities for Sangkat Development action plans. Projects also teach advocacy and ICT skills, and how to monitor and reflect, once the activities are underway. Participants were also encouraged by the project to participate in a national forum on housing policy that was held by the Ministry of Land Management Urban Planning and Construction.


Result/ Outcome/ Change

After the projects, the Russey Sros community has become stronger and has developed good relationships with other urban land communities as well as local authorities. They now have the capacity to lead community and advocacy activities more independently, and with confidence. After the community’s struggles which lasted about 18 years, community residents are now waiting for the official land title from Khan Chbar Ampov, as the measuring process of each household is underway. The community members hope that they will get the land title in early 2022.

Since the community representatives and members have joined the trainings, quarterly meetings, workshops, forums, exchange learning visits, NGO advocacy, and Facebook live shows, they have learned about human rights, about land and housing rights, how to protect themselves from forced eviction, and what the main legal documents are, for demanding land and housing rights.

Community representatives and members have understood their rights and now have the capacity to conduct any activity both within the community and outside the community in order to discuss issues and to seek solutions from local authorities. Moreover, they have been submitting petitions to relevant government institutions which enables them to demand interventions on their land dispute. Furthermore, community members joined other communities and civil societies to participate in international events that promote human rights such as World Habitat Day, and International Human Rights Day. In addition, community members always conduct monthly meetings among themselves if they have urgent tasks to be discussed or need to mobilize support from NGOs like STT.

Community monthly meeting conducted by community representative, funded by STT
Community monthly meeting conducted by community representative, funded by STT

Throughout their monthly meetings, the community members have gained strength and empowerment by promoting discussion and sharing knowledge, experiences, and new approaches for claiming land titles for many years.

In October 2021, the authorities set up a committee for measuring the GPS of each household. They were informed that all households submitted their documents to relevant authorities to provide land titles where they are located.

Local authorities were measuring the plots of each community member to make a land title in 2021
Local authorities were measuring the plots of each community member to make a land title in 2021

The community leader of the community Mrs. Sek Saly, 53 years old, living with her husband and one daughter, told STT: “I am so happy to work for my community members and I want to help lift them out of poverty, I put my heart and soul into helping them to get Equity Cards and am waiting to see the result of land titles in the near future”.

Saly added: “Thanks to STT for supporting our community and training us to engage with local authorities in difficult times to achieve the recent changes in the community. STT helped me and other community members to know human rights, land rights, housing rights, communicating with community networks, NGO partners, and how to advocate for a proper solution. I suggest that STT provide more training to them to be able to share in the community.”

Story of Change of Boeung Chhouk Community


Boeung Chhouk community is an urban poor community which is located in Russey Keo district of Phnom Penh. The community first settled on the land in 1992 and was organized in 2009 by the Housing Rights Task Force. The 52 families living in this community primarily earn a living by working as motor taxi drivers, factory workers, dishwashers, vendors, teachers and rubbish collectors. Since 2015, the community submitted numerous letters to the Municipality of Phnom Penh, the National Authority of Land Dispute Resolution and local government offices to request land tenure security and improved local infrastructure.

Situation Before Project Implementation

Boueng Chhouk community was unofficially informed by the local authorities that they would have to evict due to an upcoming road expansion project. They were told they would have to relocate as their houses were close to the road and they lived on public state land. Prior to engaging with STT, the community was unaware of their land and housing rights. Community members had never received training on the 2001 Land Law, Circular 03, or any regulations related to land and housing rights. They also did not have links to other urban community networks.

Activities Supported by the project

In 2019, the Community Empowerment Project Team invited community representatives from Boeung Chhouk to attend community exchange visits in both Phnom Penh and the province in order to provide the community exposure to other communities facing similar situations. The communities shared knowledge and experience on advocacy work, community organizing and empowerment as well as their concerns on their living conditions such as access to social and public services, basic infrastructure, household finances and employment opportunities.  Community representatives were invited to participate in the quarterly meetings that were conducted four times per year. The quarterly meetings provided an opportunity for urban communities to meet each other and share issues, experiences, knowledge, and to mobilize networks. In addition, STT provided the community with training sessions on the 2001 Land Law, Circular 03, Human Rights, non-violence practices, basics of ICT and social media (Facebook, WhatsApp, Signal). The purpose of the training was to strengthen the community’s capacity to protect their land and housing rights, and to claim land tenure security. The community also participated in the National Forum on Housing Policy that was held by the Ministry of Land Management Urban Planning and Construction, which allowed them the opportunity to raise questions about housing policy to the government.

Boeung Chhouk Community participated in the quarterly meeting with other urban communities which was held at STT’s office in December 2019. Photo by STT

Changes and Successes as a Result of the Project

Boeung Chhouk community has become a strong community and built good relationship with other urban poor communities and local authorities. Community members have understood their rights and have capacity for conducting do advocacy activities more independently with critical methods and confidence in order to discuss issues and seek solutions from the government. Since the community members have joined the trainings, meetings, workshops, forums, and exchange learning visits, they have gained a better understanding of human rights, land and housing rights, and the main legal documents required for land tenure applications. The community has also become more proactive in submitting petitions to local authorities or relevant government institutions for seeking intervention on their land rights.

Additionally, community members joined other communities and civil society in international events that promote human rights such as World Habitat Day, International Human Rights Day and International Women’s Day. In addition, community members have started conducting internal monthly meetings if they have urgent tasks to be discussed or require support from NGOs like STT. The community members have reported that their monthly meetings make them feel empowered and strengthened as discussion of various issues is promoted and there is knowledge sharing of experiences and approaches for claiming land tenure.

The most notable success for Boeung Chhouk community is that on 27 October 2019, community members participated in a meeting with the Municipality of Phnom Penh in which they were allocated plots of land per family. Each family received a 4 meters x 15 meters plot which is located in close proximity (0.5kms away) from their current location. After struggling for 10 years, the community members are relieved and eagerly waiting for the official land tittles from Khan Russey Keo authorities. The community members are hopeful that they will receive the official land tittle documents in early 2020.

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Mrs. Khiev Chenda stands on her new plot of land
លោកស្រី ខៀវ ចិន្តា បង្ហោះរូបនៃទិវាសិទ្ធិមនុស្សអន្តរជាតិ១០ធ្នូ ឆ្នាំ២០១៩ នៅទីលានប្រជាធិបតេយ្យលើបណ្តាញសង្កមហ្វេសប៊ុក
Figure 1A photo of 2019 Human Rights Day at Freedom Park posted by Mrs. Khiev Chenda
















Mrs. Khiev Chenda is the community leader of Boeung Chhouk. She is 47 years old and lives with her daughter. Mrs. Chenda works as a construction worker and earns about $10 per day. Mrs. Chenda told STT: “I am so happy that my community received a solution though some more time is needed as we are waiting for the official land title document. Without STT’s support, our community would be very difficult to achieve the recent changes in the community. STT helped me and other community members to understand human rights, land rights, housing rights and how to advocate for a proper solution.”