Human Right Situations in Cambodia NowadaysHuman Right Situations in Cambodia Nowadays

CNRP’s leaders, Mr Som Raingsy and kem Sokha were summoned for questioning by Phnom Penh municipal court in charge of incitement to commit felony. Mr Rong Chhun, the Opposition Union leader also summoned on January 14, 2014.

Thousands of supporters such Buddha monks, community activists and CNRP’s supporters came to support the two leaders. Meanwhile the securities guard of City Hall are also gathered in front of the court.

The scene there were hundreds of land activists from different urban poor communities also presented to call for justice in Cambodia.

CNRP’s leaders, Mr Som Raingsy and kem Sokha were summoned for questioning by Phnom Penh municipal court in charge of incitement to commit felony. Mr Rong Chhun, the Opposition Union leader also summoned on January 14, 2014.

Thousands of supporters such Buddha monks, community activists and CNRP’s supporters came to support the two leaders. Meanwhile the securities guard of City Hall are also gathered in front of the court.

The scene there were hundreds of land activists from different urban poor communities also presented to call for justice in Cambodia.