Officers of Human Rights Based Spatial Planning Project (HRBSP) Distributed Legal Advice Sheet AND Factsheets to Community at Sangkat Chrang Chamres I and II, Khan Russey Keo

On August 07th, 2015, Urban Settlement Officers and Project Coordinator of Sahmakum Teang Tnaut (STT) distributed legal advice sheet and factsheets to 100 households where located in Village 3, Sangkat Chrang Chamres1 , Khan Russey Keo, Phnom Penh.

This distribution is part of Human Right Based Spatial Planning project which founded by Europe Union and Czech Republic and implemented by People In Need (PIN) and Sahmakum Teang Tnaut (STT) in purpose to strengthen land tenure security through promotion of tenure security for the most vulnerable and marginalized groups in Cambodia.

Mr Nhim Kim Eang, project coordinator of Samakume Teangtnaut said this legal advice sheet and factsheet was the results we had done for more than a year before. He added that this information in this legal advice sheet and factsheets got from three main sources: 1) Demographic information got from the answers of local authorities and local people in the communities. 2) legal tenure and household information got from household survey data collected by staff and interns of STT. And 3) Legal documents which related to land law got from local and international experts of NGO partners who worked on legal aid. He added the document was only just information and legal aid for benefitting to people living in that location in relation to land occupation and it was not legally bounded because there was only authority that can make an official decision on your tenure status or offer land titling is the cadastral department of the Ministry of Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction (MoLMUPC).

Furthermore, all of those houses were located next to the National Road 5, which would be further expanded in the future and it was also next to the Tongle Sap Lake which was regarded as the state owned- land. These areas would be planned to have reconstruction or on-site redevelopment in the future. As a result, it was really important for the people to understand the information as it was for their benefits both citizens and authorities for discussing and finding solution together.

Be informed that, Chrang Chamres Community is an urban poor community where has not yet had the orderly construction and the majority of them is Khmer- Cham (Islam).