Rights Day events to dot the Kingdom

More than 500 people conducted a march and held a public forum yesterday in Siem Reap, with thousands more expected to conduct their own events around the country to mark International Human Rights Day on Saturday.

Rights group Licadho released a statement yesterday saying that 35 events across 17 provinces will be held in the run-up to the weekend, with bigger events in Phnom Penh, Siem Reap, Battambang, Sisophon and Sihanoukville planned.

Soeung Saran, acting executive director at Sahmakum Teang Tnaut, said the various groups included land disputants, workers and youth activists, but that all of them were following a single theme: Justice 2016.

“We have seen many injustices happening [this year], especially to vulnerable people,” he said. “That is why we have chosen this theme.”

He added that a planned march in Phnom Penh on Saturday had been changed to a public forum, after the permission for the march was rejected by City Hall. Mep Meas Pheakdey, City Hall spokesman, meanwhile said he had yet to receive a request for the forum, but that the municipality would reject any events planned for public spaces.

source: phnompenhpost.com