The 21 on bail hearing at Supreme Court delayed its verdict to May 9The 21 on bail hearing at Supreme Court delayed its verdict to May 9

On May 2, 2014, started from 8:30 am, more than 100 people coming from land communities, monks network, labor groups, tuk tuk and motodob drivers were gathered outside the Supreme Court, to support and call for the release of 21. While number of Human Right observers from different NGOs monitored the case very closely out and inside courthouse.

Until 11: 00 am, Mr. Sam Sokong the lawyer of Mr. Vorn Pao and other victims got out the court and told that the verdict will be announced on May 9. The protesters and the families of the victim were so disappointed to hear the verdict delayed.

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On May 2, 2014, started from 8:30 am, more than 100 people coming from land communities, monks network, labor groups, tuk tuk and motodob drivers were gathered outside the Supreme Court, to support and call for the release of 21. While number of Human Right observers from different NGOs monitored the case very closely out and inside courthouse.

Until 11: 00 am, Mr. Sam Sokong the lawyer of Mr. Vorn Pao and other victims got out the court and told that the verdict will be announced on May 9. The protesters and the families of the victim were so disappointed to hear the verdict delayed.

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1545739_577758262322396_8321737705260626883_n 1979880_577758105655745_3698792402828065171_n 10168211_577758298989059_421021953313554594_n 10177284_577758172322405_767241452978063041_n 10314715_577758272322395_2224014076259722858_n