Urban Poor Community Activists received Social Media TrainingUrban Poor Community Activists received Social Media Training

On June 20th, 2014, there are around eleven communities activists from the urban poor communities participated in the social media training on Khmer Unicode which organized by ICT project at Sahmakum Teang Tnaut (STT). The aim of the training was to Enable Human Rights Defenders (HRDs) and Community Activists to use best communications technology to report promptly; safely and accurately. The training session started at 8:00 am and finish at 5:00 pm.

The first session, the trainer presented about the basic computer which is cover about the definition of computer, type of computer and elements of computer. The second session, was to focus on the Khmer Unicode typing, both theory and practice. There were a lot of interaction during the training session especially, during practice activity. The training session was part of the social media training series, and the participants will be back again next month.IMG_0634 IMG_0637 IMG_0611 IMG_0612 IMG_0619 IMG_0621 IMG_0622 IMG_0632 IMG_0633On June 20th, 2014, there are around eleven communities activists from the urban poor communities participated in the social media training on Khmer Unicode which organized by ICT project at Sahmakum Teang Tnaut (STT). The aim of the training was to Enable Human Rights Defenders (HRDs) and Community Activists to use best communications technology to report promptly; safely and accurately. The training session started at 8:00 am and finish at 5:00 pm.

The first session, the trainer presented about the basic computer which is cover about the definition of computer, type of computer and elements of computer. The second session, was to focus on the Khmer Unicode typing, both theory and practice. There were a lot of interaction during the training session especially, during practice activity. The training session was part of the social media training series, and the participants will be back again next month.IMG_0634 IMG_0637 IMG_0611 IMG_0612 IMG_0619 IMG_0621 IMG_0622 IMG_0632 IMG_0633