Urban Poor Forum Kicked StartUrban Poor Forum Kicked Start

2013-12-16 09.11.13

STT organized a two-day (Dec 16th, 26th 2013) Urban Poor forum on “The Challenges of the Urban Poor Community and a Joint Manifesto and Strategy.” 386 urban poor from 82 different communities were actively participated in the forum. The forums were conducted at aiming:

–          To bring the urban poor community in Phnom Penh affected by housing and land rights to raise their main challenges and find strategy for the future resolutions

–          To strengthen the networking and building solidarity among the urban poor communities affected by housing and land issues

–          To give communities the space to develop a joint manifesto and implementation strategy for their next steps.

The forums gave the urban poor community opportunity to learn and share their challenges, issues and concerns and Joint Manifesto and Strategy for year to come. They have involved in small group discussions, presentations, and questions on their community’s concerns and issues to the organizers to seek for solutions. All of community point of view inputs will become the useful road map for them to strengthen their current capacity so that they can work together demanding for their rights.

2013-12-16 09.11.13

STT organized a two-day (Dec 16th, 26th 2013) Urban Poor forum on “The Challenges of the Urban Poor Community and a Joint Manifesto and Strategy.” 386 urban poor from 82 different communities were actively participated in the forum. The forums were conducted at aiming:

–          To bring the urban poor community in Phnom Penh affected by housing and land rights to raise their main challenges and find strategy for the future resolutions

–          To strengthen the networking and building solidarity among the urban poor communities affected by housing and land issues

–          To give communities the space to develop a joint manifesto and implementation strategy for their next steps.

The forums gave the urban poor community opportunity to learn and share their challenges, issues and concerns and Joint Manifesto and Strategy for year to come. They have involved in small group discussions, presentations, and questions on their community’s concerns and issues to the organizers to seek for solutions. All of community point of view inputs will become the useful road map for them to strengthen their current capacity so that they can work together demanding for their rights.