If you are moved by STT’s work, please consider making a financial contribution to support our projects. Your direct contribution will play a vital role in supporting vulnerable, urban poor communities in Phnom Penh. Your support can help us conduct crucial research, advocacy and campaigning activities aimed at urban issues. Your help can also support us in empowering local communities and activists throughout Cambodia who is fighting for their rights. We would like to thank everyone who has helped us advance our vision of a world in which all urban poor and vulnerable communities receive adequate housing, improved living conditions and prosperity.
STT Bank Details |
Name of the Bank | CIMB Bank PLC |
Address of the Bank | #20AB Corner Preah Norodom Boulevard & Street 118, Sangkat Phsar Chas, Phnom Penh, CAMBODIA |
Name of the Account | Sahmakum Teang Tnaut (STT) |
Account Number | 1010 1220 0000 3634 |
Currency | USD |