Urban Poor Community OpenStreetMap Intervention Workshop


Summary of activities:

STT have organized the OSM workshops since 2012. Last workshop held on the 05th-06thJuly 2014,which successful organized a workshop in providing University students to knowledge how to edit and upload on OpenStreetMap. On the workshop day, we were invited 25 students from 9 universities in Phnom Penh. Here is the 3rd OSM workshop in which consists of indoor interactive learning of getting familiarize with OpenStreetMap site and using JOSM program to develop, up/download data onto the site and onsite practice of gathering physical infrastructure data from several urban poor communities to update on OpenStreetMap among students and/or communities.


The workshop aims to:

  • Provide interactive training to young profession students how gather geographical data, download data from site, edit existing data from site, and upload onto site.
  • Visualize urban poor settlements in first time in Phnom Penh on OpenStreetMap.
  • Training young generation to improve Phnom Penh map, especially roads data entire city.

Outcome of workshop:

After the training:

  • Participants will be able to gain knowledge how to update OSM and be able to further updates in future.
  • The urban poor settlements are increasingly visualizing on OSM site to prove their locations in city tertiary,
  • The map of Phnom Penh map is timely improving from activities of onsite gather and update onto sites by participants.

Have questions about Urban Poor Community OpenStreetMap Intervention Workshop?

More information contact to: 093 35 93 73 or 076 677 9986

Here is registration link: http://bit.ly/1vQEayg