Author: Seun Tepsovanrithy

Internship Opportunity: Media Project Intern (1 position) and Land and Housing Rights Project Intern (1 Position)

Sahmakum Teang Tnaut (STT) is a non-governmental organization, non-profitable, was set up in September 2005 and officially registered with the ministry of interior in December 2006. STT tries to reflect in its work with urban communities. From the outset, STT has had a focus on infrastructure upgrading, but over the past decade, many communities have been impacted by development relating to land alienation and evictions. Because of this, STT has strengthened its research and advocacy to draw attention to a development policy that in Phnom Penh alone has led to 270,000 residents being displaced since 1990. By supporting genuine community complaints and grievances, STT and its partners have been helping communities articulate their concerns to local and international Medias, donors, and other NGOs and INGOs.

To support our projects, STT is looking for a qualified project intern to join our dynamic team as following:

Media Project Intern

Unit              : Advocacy and Outreach Program

Job Title       : Media Project Intern

Reporting to  : Project Manager

Hiring          : 1 Position

Schedule       : Full Time (Monday-Friday)

Project Period: 3-6 months

Allowance     : USD 150 per month  and other benefits

Main responsibilities

  • Assist the Community Media and ICT team in organizing community training sessions, community meetings, livestream and other related project activities which are assigned by the Project Manager.
  • Assist the technical team in monitoring networks and digital devices.
  • Assist the IT team with troubleshooting issues and provide technical support
  • Tracking Media and Field visits
  • Perform other tasks assigned by the Project Manager and Project Staff.


  • University student or a recent graduate in the field of Computer Science, Information Technology, Media Communication or other related fields,
  • Willing to learn and get experience during internship,
  • Demonstrate a high level of ethical commitment and trustworthiness,
  • Ability to use a computer with applications relevant to the study fields,
  • Understand English for communication,
  • Willing to learn and commit to work full time and can travel to target communities (as required)
  • Be honest, loyalty, friendly, and hard working

Land and Housing Rights Project Intern

Unit              :  Rights to City Program

Job Title       : Land and Housing Rights Project Intern

Reporting to  : Project Manager

Hiring          : 1 Position

Schedule       : Full Time (Monday-Friday)

Project Period: 3-6 months

Allowance     : USD 150 per month  and other benefits


  • Undergraduate student or recent graduate with bachelor’s degree in law, social & environmental science, or relevant field
  • Proficiency in Microsoft Office Suite and familiarity with statistical analysis software preferred
  • Good written and verbal communication skills in English and Khmer
  • Willing to learn and commit to working full-time and can travel to target communities (as required)
  • Honesty, and hard working.

Main responsibilities

  • Collaborate with team in designing and completing monitoring and evaluation
  • Conduct field and desk research, including data collection, analysis, and reporting
  • Participate in training, meeting on data collection tools and analysis methods
  • Conduct surveys and interviews in target communities as assigned
  • Assist with preparing training materials, meeting, and side visit documentations
  • Assist project staff in community mapping
  • Undertake additional tasks as needed by the project manager.

How to apply

Interested candidates should send their CV and cover letters to STT’s Administration and Human Resources through email, or Address: #21, St472, Toul Tompoung 1, chamkarmon, Phnom Penh Applications that do not indicate the position being applied for will not be considered. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for an interview.

Closing date: The applicants will not be considered after 5pm on 20 May 2024.

Urban Poor Photo Exhibition in 2024 On Housing and Life

Sahmakum Teang Tnaut (STT) is located in Phnom Penh. STT was founded in 2005 and officially registered in 2006 as a local NGO supporting urban poor communities. STT vision is urban poor and vulnerable communities receiving adequate housing, and improved living conditions and prosperity. To achieve this vision, STT has the mission to develop advocacy tools, empower, and support urban poor and vulnerable communities to obtain adequate and comfortable housing. 

On February 23, 2024 Sahmakum Teang Tnaut Organization (STT) was organized Photo Exhibition on Housing and Life at Champei Garden. The event was attended by donors, NGO partners, and urban poor communities in Phnom Penh.The photo exhibition is an activity undertaken by Sahmakum Teang Tnaut Organization (STT) and these photos were taken by STT from 2022 to January 2024. 

These 60 photographs aim at highlighting challenges faced by urban communities affected by development, land insecurity, resettlement, lack of pre-arranged services and infrastructure in relocation sites, and forced evictions. The idea is to showcase to the public and stakeholders such challenges, to raise awareness, and work together to find solutions to fulfill their right to adequate housing. The exhibition also showcases the current state of the lakes in the city, and the environmental impact caused by filling the lakes.

Free the Lake

Since 1990, Phnom Penh has seen the infilling of 26 lakes, with 16 already lost to urban development, and more currently in the process. Urban development, including the construction of new satellite cities, has been the driving force behind the disappearance of these vital water bodies. Two prominent lakes, Boeung Tumpun (Boeung Choeung Ek) and Boeung Tamok (Boeung Kob Srov), are facing this issue. Boeung Tumpun spans 2,600 hectares in the southern region of Phnom Penh, across Khan Meanchey and Khan Dangkor districts, and even extends to Takhmao city in Kandal province. Boeung Tamok, the largest natural lake in the city, covers 3,239.7 hectares in the northwest near Win-Win Boulevard, across Khan Prek Pnov and Khan Por Sen Chey districts. In accordance with many studies, the infillings have serious repercussions: forced evictions, land disputes, employment disruptions, migration, and social inequities. Moreover, they compromise the city’s water filtration capabilities and alter natural water drainage, heightening the risk of floods during the rainy season.

Flooding in communities

In urban areas grappling with poverty, the rainy season often brings considerable hardship due to inadequate drainage or sewage infrastructure. Overflowing sewage creates a habitat conducive to the proliferation of germs and mosquitoes, resulting in health concerns like skin infections and dengue fever, as well as pervasive foul smells.

Moreover, the inundated streets pose significant challenges for residents’ mobility, particularly affecting children. To navigate these areas route to school, they must adapt by changing clothes and removing shoes to wade through contaminated waters. The flooding also heightens the risk of drowning, which discourages parents from pursuing work, further aggravating the community’s financial distress.


Cambodia is a country that is striving to achieve high middle-income status by 2030. The Royal Government has been making efforts to promote economic growth across all sectors. However, these development initiatives have led to forced evictions affecting poor and vulnerable communities. These communities have often been compelled to accept inadequate and unreasonable compensation for resettlement. According to the United Nations Guidelines on Evictions and Resettlement, evictions should involve genuine consultation, avoid disproportionate use of force, provide adequate and reasonable notice, and offer legal remedies. Unfortunately, some communities have faced eviction without full compliance with national and international laws. This situation has caused fear and displacement among affected communities, leaving them with insufficient resources for new construction and forcing them to live far from essential public services. In 2023 Sahmakum Teang Tnaut (STT)’s report – The Phnom Penh Survey – highlights that there are more than 191 urban poor settlements in the city, living in poverty. Among these, 69% of communities are considered tenure insecure, and 29% face the threat of eviction. These communities hope that authorities will prioritize on-site development rather than eviction, or provide appropriate solutions in the confines of the law.


Communities, after moving from their previous settings, are often settled in new areas significantly distanced from the city and economic hubs. Regrettably, the compensation they receive often fall short of what is necessary to rebuild their homes or to invest in business ventures. This makes their new life even more difficult than before.

In relocation sites, community living conditions are subpar, with many residing in basic shelters. They face a severe shortage of critical public amenities such as electricity, clean water, education, and healthcare. Their distance from economic centers has led to dwindling incomes and mounting debts. Resettlement plans that overlook these essential needs only serve to deepen poverty and entrench a cycle of inadequate housing.

The United Nations Guidelines on the Right to Adequate Housing mandate secure tenure, access to essential services, affordability, thoughtful location, cultural respect, and adherence to tradition. International law acknowledges the right to adequate housing as a basic human right.

Capacity development

Education is very important for all walks of life. The right to education is a fundamental human right guaranteed by the Constitution Law of Cambodia and International Law. Some urban poor communities are facing land disputes, poor housing, and have no land title deeds. Those communities often do not understood land rights and some legal issues related to land tenure. To empower communities and enhance their capacity to address these issues, STT offers training on a range of topics. These include human rights, land law, systematic land registration, environmental challenges, and mapping, with a special focus on Circulars 03 and 06. ICT and online safety are also key components of this educational outreach, equipping community members with the skills to effectively engage with relevant stakeholders and seek support for their concerns. Moreover, the training aims to bolster community understanding of their rights, foster unity, and promote environmental stewardship. A critical aspect of the training is teaching communities how to adeptly use social media, enabling them to highlight and document the issues they face. Through these efforts, communities are better prepared to advocate for themselves and work towards positive change.

Small Scale Upgrading

Urban poor communities in Phnom Penh are grappling with economic hardship, substandard housing, deteriorating infrastructure, and insufficient sewer systems. These conditions pose daily challenges, as families lack the means to undertake essential repairs. Flooding is a recurrent issue, necessitating the construction of bridges for regular transit and adequate drainage to mitigate flood risk and dangers such as drowning. Furthermore, poor street lighting can lead to increased drug trafficking and a general sense of insecurity.

To confront these difficulties, it is imperative for communities to seek assistance from various parties, including the royal government, local authorities, and civil society organizations. Sahmakum Teang Tnaut (STT) is instrumental in driving positive change by providing essential small-scale infrastructure improvements, such as bridges, roads, sewers, solar lighting, and housing solutions. These initiatives are key to enhancing the living conditions of these urban poor communities.

TOR (Term of Reference) word lettering illustration with icons for web banner, flyer, landing page, presentation, book cover, article, etc.

Consultant to Produce Advocacy Video Terms of Reference (TOR)

  1. Introduction and Background

Sahmakum Teang Tnaut (STT) a Cambodian land and housing right NGO and located in Phnom Penh. STT was founded in 2005 and officially registered in 2006 as a local NGO supporting urban poor communities. “Teang Tnaut” means “Palm Leaves” and palm leaves are used by poor communities, to build rooves, and walls for their houses. This simplistic name was chosen to forever remind STT that its work serves the poorest members of society. STT started as a small NGO that focused on technical upgrades in poor communities but over the past decade, many communities have been affected by development, land transfers, and evictions. As a result, STT has since grown to produce community maps, research and advocacy in order to achieve its goal of helping poor communities realize their rights to land and housing and awareness contain accurate information on ID Poor program. STT’s efforts in Phnom Penh alone have reached 270,000 people. STT and its partners have helped communities express their concerns to national and international media, donors as well as national and international NGOs.

STT is looking for an external consultant to produce an advocacy video which will be used as good practice and raised awareness on urban related issues including land and housing rights.

  1. Objective

To produce an advocacy video that features key successes and lessons learned related to land and housing rights.

  1. Methods and Tools
  • Consultant will produce one advocacy video that documents about success and key lessons leaned
  • The concept of the videos will either be provided by STT or proposed by the consultant
  • Stories, photos, videos, images, audio, infographics, and other materials related to the process of producing the video will be developed by the consultant
  • The consultant must guarantee that the videos produced will not be copyrighted
  • The full work plan and timeline will be developed by the consultant and approved by the STT team before the commencement of work
  • Travel to communities to collect media material
  • Perform appropriate short interviews with partners, community members, and other stakeholders.
  1. Expected Outcome and Deliverable
  • A final script of video before the commencement of work. The duration of the video will not exceed 10 minutes.
  • Narration, translation, and subtitles in English.
  • Original photos, videos, images, audio, and infographics which will be used in the video.
  • One advocacy video of high quality and resolution.
  1. Support team from STT

The consultant will work closely with the Housing Rights Project Managers, Program Manager, Admin and Human Resource Manager, relevant project managers, and other staff to facilitate this consultancy.

  1. Duration and Place of Work

This consultancy will commence as soon as possible, and the duration of the contract will be one and a half months from the start date. Specific duration will be stated in the service agreement once the consultancy is offered.

  1. Consultancy Fee

This consultancy fee is at a competitive rate.

  1. Required qualifications of the Consultant

STT is looking for a consultant with the following qualifications:

  • Experience in producing advocacy videos for NGOs, the private sector or the government;
  • Exceptional photography and videography skills;
  • Excellent photo and video editing skills;
  • Ability to adhere to deadlines and flexibility;
  • Highly effective team player;
  • Good communication skills;
  • Khmer speaker is an advantage.
  1. How to Apply

Interested candidates should send their application including CV highlighting relevant experience, technical proposal, proposed budget, and sample work to STT’s Administration and Human Resources through email, cc Mr. Seang Muoylay at

Note: Only shortlisted applicant (s) will be contacted for discussions and interviews.

Closing date:

The applicants will not be considered after 5pm on January 10th, 2024.

PDF: Download

Eviction, Compensation, and Debt Report 2023

This report collectively highlights the critical situation of forced evictions in Cambodia, revealing a gross disregard for international human rights law, national laws, and UN recommendations.

Section 1 details 12 cases of eviction across Phnom Penh, Kandal, and Takeo provinces between 2019 and 2022, amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. This study also emphasizes the critical importance of access to safe housing in preventing the spread of diseases like COVID-19. Despite government instructions to stay home during the pandemic, evictions occurred in various locations in Cambodia, particularly in Phnom Penh. These evictions are viewed as a violation of international human rights law, specifically the right to adequate housing, as highlighted by the UN special rapporteur on the Right to Adequate Housing, Leilani Farha. Farha emphasized the potential life-threatening consequences of eviction during a pandemic in a COVID-19 Guidance Note.


Section 2 reviews compensation provided to evicted urban poor communities in Phnom Penh from 2006 onward. Previous research by STT in 2021 revealed inconsistency in how compensation is offered and obtained for such communities, with significant variations in land plots provided without clear reasoning. The current research identifies inconsistencies in authorities’ approaches to compensating evictees, potentially leading to human rights violations, particularly in terms of citizens’ rights to adequate housing and compensation.


Section 3 underscores Cambodia’s international obligation to uphold the human right to adequate housing, prohibiting forced evictions and mandating the provision of resettlement sites with access to decent housing. Housing is emphasized as crucial not only as a basic need but also for safeguarding and advancing other human rights. The study exposes that individuals experiencing forced eviction without proper housing at resettlement sites incur debts, leading to food scarcity, forced child labor, and disrupted education. Continued hardships at resettlement sites due to insufficient housing and sanitation facilities create a concerning cycle of debt for victims of forced evictions. The study advocates for decisive action by Cambodian authorities to ensure every citizen can realise their right to adequate housing.

“Mother, if you are having a hard time, then I will just have to quit school and find a job,” said a daughter to her mother who has been evicted from the development area of Boeung Tamok.

In light of these findings, it is evident that immediate legal and policy reforms are urgently needed to uphold the right to adequate housing, provide fair compensation, and ensure the proper execution of resettlements in accordance with international human rights law. A comprehensive approach to addressing these issues is vital to preventing further human rights infringements.


You can download the report as a PDF file here! Khmer English

For further information please contact:

Mr. Soeung Saran, Executive Director of Sahmakum Teang Tnaut Organization

Signal: 089 666 013



Mrs. Prak Sotheary, Research Advocacy Advisor at Sahmakum Teang Tnaut Organization

Signal: 012 464 500



This collection of studies delves into various aspects affecting Urban Poor Communities in Cambodia.

The first study explores the awareness of three Urban Poor Communities in Cambodia regarding their participation rights in the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) process. Findings indicate limited awareness, citing barriers like communication gaps and insufficient information. I had no idea what EIA was or what my rights related to it were, until we formed the community, and it was only then that we became aware of it (EIA). Unfortunately, by that time, it was already too late as the sewage had already been damaged by the nearby gated community construction and the water had already flooded our community,” said a member in Prek Takong 3 community. The study recommends improving public participation through heightened awareness, legal framework strengthening, and enhanced transparency.

A second study investigated living conditions and challenges in a poor community in Phnom Penh amid garbage and contaminated water. It seeks to identify the causes of waste, providing valuable insights for addressing this community challenges and similar areas in Phnom Penh.  “At the beginning, it flowed. But now no garbage comes out. When we clear it, it does not go. It emerges from the underground,” said a community member in Boeung Chhouk Meanchey Thmey II.

A third research project investigates the challenges and impacts of climate change on two impoverished communities. It aims to understand communities’ adaptation and provide recommendations for viable solutions. Interviews highlight erratic climate conditions, inadequate drainage, business challenges, and increased water and electricity costs. “It stinks so badly, especially when it rains. And, when the rain stops it smells even worse. Since it stinks so badly, I got a nasal allergy now”, said a resident aged about 30 years old in the Reaksmey Samaki community.

And the fourth research project investigated noise pollution challenges and effects in two communities in Phnom Penh. It focused on understanding status, sources, and types of noise pollution, along with examining consequences and proposing solutions. “The source of noise pollution arises from the parties and excessive drinking habits of our neighbors. Most of these individuals gather on weekends, playing music and singing at high volumes. They come together and party from as early as 8 am until at least 11 pm,” said a teenager in Andong 1 community.

These distinct research projects shed light on various challenges faced by Urban Poor Communities in Phnom Penh, including limited awareness of their rights and participation in the EIA process, issues with waste management, the impact of climate change on their daily lives, and the effects of noise pollution. Through these studies, recommendations are provided to enhance the living conditions and well-being of these communities.




You can download the report as a PDF file here! KhmerEnglish

For further information please contact:

Mr. Soeung Saran, Executive Director of Sahmakum Teang Tnaut​ Organization.

Signal: 089 666 013


Mrs. Prak Sotheary, Research Advocacy Advisor at Sahmakum Teang Tnaut Organization.

Signal: 012 464 500


75th International Human Rights Day under theme “Dignity, Freedom and Justice for All Citizens”

From the 9th to the 10th of December 2023, around 400 rural and urban communities celebrated the International Day of Human Rights. These communities included Phlov Rothplueng community (Phnom Penh), Stueng Kambot Community (Phnom Penh), Smor San Community (Phnom Penh), Veal Sbov Community (Phnom Penh), Veal Entrey Community (Kampot Province), Meanchey Community (Svay Rieng Province), and Lor Peang Community (Kampong Chhnang Province). They engaged in various significant activities, such as community clean-ups and spreading messages about human rights and housing rights.

Furthermore, approximately 3,000 members of land and indigenous communities, unions, youth groups, civil society organizations, and human rights activists came together to celebrate the 75th anniversary of International Human Rights Day 2023 at Freedom Park in Russey Keo district, Phnom Penh. The event aimed to achieve the following purposes:
1. To strengthen the public understanding about the International Human Rights Declaration, it’s the enforcing instruments and Cambodia Constitution;
2. To increase the demand for justice and pushing for the reform
3. To increase people understanding how the justice affect to freedom and dignity of the people; and for CSO
4. Widen our CSO space through more active activities: marches and public assembly.

#STTCambodia #Urbanpoor #Poorcommunity #Landrights #Housingrights #Eviction #Relocation
#IHRD2023 #IHRD75

38th World Habitat Day Photo Gallery

Here is a photo gallery showcasing impoverished communities in Phnom Penh and various provinces. These communities celebrated World Habitat Day from October 1 to 7, 2023. Over 1,000 individuals, including community members, young people, and local authorities, took part in the celebrations. Some of the communities involved were Stoeung Kambot, Pongro Sen Chey, Reaksmey Samaki, Plov Rathpleung, Smor San, Chhmar Oeut, Satrey Klahan, Veal Sbov, Russey Sros, Kao Pi, Meanchey (Svay Rieng province), Veal Entre, Pong Rok, Thlan 100, Prey Peay (Kampot), and Lor Peang (Kampong Chhnang province).

The main activities included community banner rallies, environmental clean-ups, and raising awareness regarding the right to affordable housing by creating slogans. The main message revolved around “Clean Environment, Clean Community, Affordable Housing”.

#STTCambodia, #urbanpoor, #poorcommunity #landrights #housingrights #eviction #relocation​ #Stopfillingthelake #WorldHabitatDay2023-WHD2023


THE PHNOM PENH SURVEY IN 2023: A Study on Urban Settlements in Phnom Penh

This report is a continuation of STT’s previous study on the state of Phnom Penh’s urban poor settlements published in 2017. It aims to update data on urban poor settlements, such as information on evictions, land titling, and socio-economic conditions. The survey was conducted in Phnom Penh from July 2022 to December of 2022 followed by data analysis and report formatting from January 2023 onwards. The report includes 191 settlements that are considered urban poor in the final analysis. These settlements represent 19,539 families, or 89,879 people, which equates to 3.94% of the total population of Phnom Penh.  STT also looked at secondary data, including NGO reports, government reports, academic papers, media articles and other open-source data. The report contains key findings:  

  • The number of urban poor settlements in the city has been declining from 277 in 2017 to 191 in 2023, with some locations being dissolved due to the conditions, they are no longer classified as urban poor settlements, while others have gone entirely, often due to eviction. Meanwhile, there is also an increase in communities receiving land titles. Namely, 19 communities claimed to have received land titles since 2017.  
  • A third of 191 settlements are likely to be located on state land while nearly two thirds of all settlements do not have written documentation indicating the status of the land they live on. This means that those settlements are facing risks of eviction and forced eviction because of a failure of the state in providing clarity and security of tenure to these settlements.  
  • Over a quarter of the 191 settlements are claiming to being pressured into forced evictions. At least 9 settlements were also forcibly evicted during Covid-19. A woman living in Banteay Sloek community behind Sovanna Supermarket and was forcibly evicted due to 7NG in Kandal Province on 11 July 2020. She said, “it is a cold-blooded eviction.” After the authorities came to demolish the community’s homes, they claimed that the community had already agreed to the relocation.
  • Access to drainage and ID Poor is still lacking in many settlements; however, connection to government public services such water, electricity and waste collection have improved since 2017.  
  • Finally, 26 of the 191 urban poor settlements are in debt. Some reported selling their homes due to loans. This is something that STT and other human rights organizations believe may have been done reluctantly. Falling into such debt traps has exposed settlement members to a variety of other potential human rights abuses such as land loss, homelessness, forced migration, debt bondage, child labor, and having less access to other basic needs. ” I can’t afford to pay until we sell the house,” said one interviewer.

You can find out more about our report, which can be accessed at 
You can download the report as a PDF file here! KhmerEnglish 

For further information please contact:  

Mr. Soeung Saran, Executive Director of Sahmakum Teang Tnaut.
Signal: 089 666 013

Mr. Ronan Kemp, Advisor at Sahmakum Teang Tnaut.
Signal: 081 262 799

TOR (Term of Reference) word lettering illustration with icons for web banner, flyer, landing page, presentation, book cover, article, etc.

Sahmakum Teang Tnaut (STT) Graphic Designer to Design Report Templates and Produced Report Template Guidelines for STT in 2023 Terms of Reference (TOR)

  1. Introduction and Background

Sahmakum Teang Tnaut is an urban and housing rights NGO that was founded in 2006, and whose work focuses on Phnom Penh’s urban poor communities. STT aims to support the urban poor through land law trainings, advocacy, and research. The research team produces many reports every year, that are used as advocacy material, but also used by other NGOs, academics, and government stakeholders. In light of this, STT is looking to hire an external graphic designer to design report templates and produced report template guidelines for STT in 2023.

  1. Objective

The purpose of this consultancy is to two reports design, design report templates, and produce a guideline for STT’s report layout. The guideline will serve as the foundation for designing STT’s future reports. The guideline will contain design templates to be followed when STT publishes reports, such as color codes, correct logos, different types of fonts, and other design and aesthetic elements.

  1. Methods and Activities
  • Conduct a needs assessment: The consultant should begin by conducting a needs assessment to determine the specific requirements of STT’s research team. This could involve interviewing team members, reviewing existing reports, and identifying any gaps or areas for improvement.
  • Develop a report framework: Based on the needs assessment, the consultant should develop a framework for creating reports that meets STT’s requirements. This could include guidelines for structuring reports, formatting recommendations, and best practices for presenting data.
  • Create report templates: To ensure consistency across all reports, the consultant should create templates that can be used by STT’s research team. These templates should include sections for executive summaries, methodology, results, and conclusions.
  • Provide training: Once the guideline is complete, the consultant should provide training to STT’s research team on how to use it effectively. This could involve workshops or one-on-one coaching sessions.
  • Review and revise: The consultant should review and revise the guideline as needed based on feedback from STT’s research team. This will ensure that it remains relevant and useful over time.
  • Finalize the guideline: Once all revisions have been made, the consultant should finalize the manual and deliver it to STT’s research team in a format that is easy to use and understand.
  1. Expected Outcomes and Deliverables
  • Before commencement of work, the consultant is required to submit a short proposal outlining previous work, and a brief outline of methodology.
  • If selected, the consultant will provide a proposed methodology, a clear work plan, a timeframe, and a budget to STT.
  • Create a guideline for STT report design.
  • Create three templates: facts and figures report, young researcher report, and one for annual reports.
  • Design/layout two reports: one based on the young researcher report template and one based on the facts and figures template.
  • Present and train STT’s staff on how to use and update the report templates.
  1. Support Team from STT

The consultant will work closely with the Research Team, and program managers. Key contacts are as follows:

N0 Name Position Email Address 
1 Mrs. Korm Chanraksmey Research and Documentation Project Manager  
2 Mr. Seang Muoylay Rights to the City Program Manager  
3 Mrs. Park Sotheary Research Advisor


  1. Duration and Place of Work

This consultancy will commence as soon as possible and the duration of the contract will be starting from 01 September until 30 September 2023. Specific duration will be stated in the service agreement once the consultancy is offered.

  1. Consultancy Fee

The consultant will be compensated at a competitive rate of 1,600 USD.

  1. Required qualifications of the Consultant

STT is looking for a consultant with the following qualifications:

  • Minimum of Bachelor’s Degree in a relevant field.
  • Extensive knowledge and concrete professional experience in designing research report
  • Knowledge of design software such as Adobe InDesign, Illustrator, and Photoshop.
  • Knowledge of typography and layout design.
  • Ability to create visually appealing designs.
  • Ability to work with different types of software.
  • Ability to create templates that are compatible with different systems.
  • Three or more years of experience in providing organizational consultancy services on the topics mentioned by STT above/ and or in graphic design.
  • Good communication skills
  • Ability to adhere to deadlines and flexibility
  • Being a Khmer speaker is a necessity.
  1. How to Apply

Interested candidates should send their application including: CV highlighting relevant experience, a budget or quotation as annex 01 and sample work to STT’s Administration and Human Resources through email Note: Only shortlisted applicant (s) will be contacted for discussions and interviews.

Closing date: 15 Aug, 2023

You can download the TOR here! English

Call for grant applications Research/Studies on Human Rights and the Environment


Development is increasing at an unprecedented rate, in Phnom Penh, leading to long lasting environmental and social impacts. Wasteful and unsustainable housing for the rich, which are routinely undertaken prior to conducting comprehensive environmental and social impact assessments, are undermining the enjoyment of decent housing for the urban poor and contributing to the current climate crisis.

Cambodia comprises the largest youth and adolescent population in the South East Asian region. The involvement of young people in social and environmental development issues has been observed via social media and in groups throughout Phnom Penh. As a result, the youth are critical players in building and strengthening public outreach and awareness on urban and environmental issues in Phnom Penh, and manifest the great potential to drive economic and social development.

We are interested in original research proposals analyzing one of the topics below, from a human rights and environmental perspective, possibly also to do with the context of Covid-19:

  • Poverty and Human Rights
  • Rights of Persons with Disabilities
  • Women’s Rights
  • Environment and Human Rights
  • Environment and sustainability
  • Climate change
  • Trash in Phnom Penh
  • Flooding in Phnom Penh
  • Good governance of communal development plans in the urban poor community
  • Economic Inequality in Phnom Penh
  • Other topics related to Environment and Human rights



This project will aim to build the capacity of groups who are generally not given a voice, such as the urban poor and the youth, so that they are able to promote good environmental governance, in a safe and peaceful manner.

What Sahmakum Teang Tnaut Offers:

  • Research grant: 800 USD to conduct individual research​ or group research.
  • Technical support and monitoring during the research.
  • Opportunity to be supported by STT to disseminate the paper via a soft-launch onto STT’s website.
  • Eligibility

Applicants are to meet the following criteria:

  • Be nationals of Cambodia
  • Applicants must have reached at least year two of a relevant university bachelor program, or be pursuing a graduate degree
  • A candidate has the right to research only one topic
  • Deliverables expected from the researchers

The researchers are expected to join the various meetings and produce the following deliverables in Khmer or English. 


No Activities Date
1 Interesting candidate registration for research 11-24, April 2022
2 Consultation Workshop on research 26 April 2022
3 Open submitting application 26 April to 03 May 2022
4 Shortlist candidates 06 May 2022
5 Oral interview 09 May 2022
6 Inform successor candidates 10 May 2022
7 First meeting​ឹឹិ with successor 14 May 2022
8 Providing technical support by STT experts 16-17 May 2022
9 Draft paper submission for review and input 10 June 2022
10 First paper submission 20 June 2022
11 Feedback commentary 27 June 2022
12 Second paper submission 30 June 2022
13 Second feedback commentary 7 July 2022
14 Final submission of the paper 15 July 2022
15 Reflection meeting with all grantees 19 July 2022


How to Apply 

Interested candidates can register through the link before 21 April 2022.


Debate competition under the theme ” Inclusive City Development “

7th July 2023, Phnom Penh. Congratulations to the opposing team for winning the first prize in the debate competition on “Is Inclusive City Development Really Appropriate for the Cambodian Context?” organized by STT with 50 participants from urban communities and young people from various universities.

1.The event aimed to provide young people with opportunities to participate in topics related to human rights, urban development, and environmental issues in Cambodia.

2.It also encouraged youths to engage in dialogue, raise issues, and propose solutions that promote a transparent, peaceful, and just development process.

#STTCambodia #urbanpoor #poorcommunity #landrights #housingrights #eviction #relocation #YouthDebate #InclusiveUrbanDevelopment

JOB ANNOUNCEMENT: Research Officer and Project Intern

Sahmakum Teang Tnaut (STT) is a non-governmental organization, non-profitable, was set up in September 2005 and officially registered with the ministry of interior in December 2006. STT tries to reflect in its work with urban communities. From the outset, STT has had a focus on infrastructure upgrading, but over the past decade, many communities have been impacted by development relating to land alienation and evictions. Because of this, STT has strengthened its research and advocacy to draw attention to a development policy that in Phnom Penh alone has led to 270,000 residents being displaced since 1990. By supporting genuine community complaints and grievances, STT and its partners have been helping communities articulate their concerns to local and international Medias, donors and other NGOs and INGOs. Visit us at


To support our projects, STT is looking for a qualified Research Officer to join our dynamic team as following:

Research Officer

Unit                         : Rights to the City Program

Reporting to         : Research and Documentation Project Manager

Hiring                      : 1 Position

Starting Date        : 15 August 2023

Schedule               : Full Time (Monday-Friday)

Gross Salary         : USD 420 – USD 550


  1. Research: Under the supervision of the Project Manager undertake specific activities as follows:
    • Community Surveys: To participate in designing and complete surveys of target communities working with STT staff and assisting collaboration with communities.
    • Beneficiary interviews: To prepare questionnaires and conduct interviews with project stakeholders.
    • Data analysis: To collate and support the analysis of data collected through surveys, interviews and other means
    • Report writing: To write comprehensive research reports on a number of topics related to urban issues
  1. Project Innovation: To keep abreast of technical developments in project fields and to maintain an overview of the social and political climates affecting contact communities.
  2. Other Projects and Tasks: To assist other project staff and other additional tasks as required by the other Managers and or Management Committee

Experience and Qualifications:

  • At least two-year work experience relating to research, urban developments, social works, environmental science, or other related fields.
  • Ability to use computer Ms. Office.
  • Ability to speak, write and understand English
  • Commitment to work full time and travel to target communities.

Community Empowerment Project Intern

 Reporting to          : Project Manager

Schedule                 : Full Time

Project Period       : 3- 6 months

Allowance               : USD 150 per month

Main responsibilities

  • Assist the Community Empowerment project team to organize community training sessions, community meetings, and other related project activities which the Project Manager assigns.
  • Assist team to monitor target communities, and travel to the field visit of target communities.
  • Perform other tasks assigned by Project Manager.



  • Is studying in year 3 or 4 in law, Land Management, Development Studies, Human Rights, or in a related field.
  • Willing to learn and commit to working full/part-time.
  • Can use a computer application relevant to the study fields.
  • Understanding of English communication
  • Can travel to target communities and province (as required)
  • Be honest, loyalty, friendly, and hard working.


What support will STT provide?

  1. A monthly allowance will be provided.
  2. An opportunity to gain work experience for fresh graduates and university students.
  3. Interns can apply what they have learned to specific projects.
  4. Interns can learn and understand STT’s projects and social work.
  5. Work experience within an office and urban poor communities
  6. The development of ideas through learning by doing

How will STT support the intern?

  • Training and support
  • Desk and computer with internet access available
  • Documents for learning and research available
  • Work experience in an office environment and working with urban poor communities.

How to Apply:

Interested and qualified candidates are required to submit a cover letter and resume (CV) via e-mail to or to STT’s address provided below by July 21, 2023. Applications which do not indicate the position being applied for will not be considered. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for an interview.

Name    : Sahmakum Teang Tnaut (STT)
Contact No.        : 023 431 555
Website               :
Address               : #7, Street 494, Sangkat Phsar Deurm Thkov, Khan Chamkamorn, Phnom Penh

Closing date: June 21th, 2023 before 5pm.

Joint Statement Immediately Drop Charges Against 10 Koh Kong Land Activists; Release All Unconditionally

Phnom Penh, 06 July 2023


We, the undersigned, call for the baseless charges of incitement against 10 land activists from three communities in Koh Kong province to be immediately dropped, and for their unconditional release. These activists did nothing but peacefully raise concerns and speak out in defence of their land and fellow community members, but have been harassed and imprisoned for doing so.

The 10 activists were arrested and charged with incitement under Articles 494 and 495 of the Criminal Code on 29 June 2023. Nine of them are currently in pre-trial detention in Koh Kong provincial prison; one was released on bail with restrictive conditions. The charges followed their attempt to peacefully travel to Phnom Penh to submit a petition to the Ministry of Justice. If convicted, each activist faces up to two years in prison and a fine of up to 4 million riel (about US$1000).

The 10 activists are Ms. Phav Nheung; Ms. Det Huor; Ms. Yi Kunthea; Mr. Sok Chey; Mr. Heng Chey; Ms. Tin Tang; Mr. Lang Cheav; Ms. Seng Lin; Mr. Yoeut Khmao; and Ms. Soung Theng. Theng is the only activist released on bail with restrictive conditions. The other nine activists (together with Nheung’s 18-month-old baby) remain in Koh Kong prison. The prison is horrendously overcrowded and was at nearly 300% capacity last month. Furthermore, the activists were only granted access to legal representation on 3 July, after spending three days in pre-trial detention.

The activists were taken into custody after police blocked community members’ vans in Sre Ambel district and prevented them from travelling to Phnom Penh to deliver the petition on 29 June. The petition requested that Minister of Justice Koeut Rith intervene and for the prosecution to drop the charges against 30 land activists from across five communities.

Police also threatened around 20 other community members with arrest when they gathered in front of the provincial police station on 30 June to support their representatives. Community members were similarly prevented from gathering outside the Koh Kong provincial court.

The activists have endured numerous disputes dating back as far as 2006, after companies linked to tycoons Ly Yong Phat and Heng Huy established sugar plantations on community land. However, the activists’ efforts to protect their land have been continually met with authority-led harassment.

We call for an immediate end to this harassment of Cambodia’s land activists, including for the charges of incitement against them to be dropped, and their immediate and unconditional release from pre-trial detention.

This joint statement is endorsed by:

  1. 197 Land Community (Koh Kong)
  2. 243 Families of Pro Lean Land Community (Koh Kong)
  3. Am Leang Community (Kampong Speu)
  4. Andong Trabek Land Community (Svay Rieng)
  5. Bos Snor Community (Tbong Khmum)
  6. Cambodian Center for Human Rights (CCHR)
  7. Cambodian Center for Independent Media (CCIM)
  8. Cambodian Food and Service Workers’ Federation (CFSWF)
  9. Cambodian Human Rights and Development Association (ADHOC)
  10. Cambodian League for the Promotion and Defense of Human Rights (LICADHO)
  11. Cambodian Tourism Workers Union Federation (CTWUF)
  12. Cambodian Youth Network (CYN)
  13. Center for Alliance of Labor and Human Rights (CENTRAL)
  14. Committee for Free and Fair Elections in Cambodia (COMFREL)
  15. Community to Protect Nature (Pursat)
  16. Dak Por Community (Kampong Speu)
  17. Equitable Cambodia (EC)
  18. Gender and Development for Cambodia (GADC)
  19. Independent Democracy of Informal Economy Association (IDEA)
  20. Kamprers Community (Tboung Khmum)
  21. Kleang Toek 78 Community (Siem Reap)
  22. Kouy​ Indigenous​​ Community (Preah Vihear)
  23. Labour Right Supported Union Khmer Employee of Nagaworld (L.R.S.U)
  24. Lor Peang Community (Kampong Chhnang)
  25. Mean Chey Land Community (Svay Rieng)
  26. Mother Nature Cambodia (MNC)
  27. Ou Vor Preng Community (Battambang)
  28. Pailin Land Community
  29. People Center for Development and Peace (PDP)
  30. Phum Sela Khmer Land Community (Banteay Meanchey)
  31. Prey Chher Pech Changvar Laor Chhert Community (Kampong Chhnang)
  32. Prey Lang Community (Kampong Thom)
  33. Prey Peay Land Community (Kampot)
  34. Rattanak Rokha Forestry Community (Oddar Meanchey)
  35. Reaksmei Sameakki Community (Kampong Speu)
  36. Samaki Romeas Haek Community (Svay Rieng)
  37. Sahmakum Teang Tnaut (STT)
  38. Social Action for Community and Development (SACD)
  39. Sre Prang Community (Tboung Khmum)
  40. Steung Khsach Sor Forestry Resource (Kampong Chhnang)
  41. Skun Community (Siem Reap)
  42. Ta Ni Land Community (Siem Reap)
  43. Ta Pen Community (Siem Reap)
  44. The Cambodian NGO Committee on CEDAW (NGO-CEDAW)
  45. The Messenger Band Cambodia (MB)
  46. Tonlung Community (Tboung Khmum)
  47. Transparency International Cambodia (TIC)
  48. Trapeang Chan Forestry Community (Kampong Chhnang)
  49. Trapeang Chour Community (Kampong Speu)
  50. Trapeang Pring Community (Tboung Khmum)
  51. Youth Resources Development Program (YRDP)

PDF format:  Download full statement in Khmer Download full statement in English

Enumerator to Promote House Renting App to Landlord (Part-time Opportunity)

  1. Introduction and Background

Sahmakum Teang Tnaut (STT) is located in Phnom Penh. STT was founded in 2005 and officially registered in 2006 as a local NGO supporting urban poor communities. “Teang Tnaut” means “Palm Leaves” and palm leaves are used by poor communities to build roofs and walls for their houses. This simplistic name was chosen to forever remind STT that its work serves the poorest members of society. STT started as a small NGO that focused on technical upgrades in poor communities but over the past decade, many communities have been affected by development, land transfers, and evictions. As a result, STT has since grown to produce community maps, research and advocacy in order to achieve its goal of helping poor communities realize their rights to land and housing and raising awareness on the ID Poor program. STT’s efforts in Phnom Penh alone have reached 270,000 people. STT and its partners have helped communities express their concerns to national and international media, donors as well as national and international NGOs.

STT is looking for 12 external enumerators who can introduce the Safe House Renting Application to landlords and encourage them to register on the App.

  1. Objective

To introduce the Rental App to the landlords and request them to register on the App.

  1. Expected Outcome and Deliverable
  • Enumerators will visit the landlords in Phnom Penh and introduce them to the app.
  • Landlord properties will be uploaded to the Safe House Renting App which includes information of their properties and property pictures.
  • Enumerator must guarantee that landlord has completed all options in the app application.
  1. Support team from STT
  • STT will provide promotional material to enumerators for giving to landlords who register such as t-shirt, tote bag, bottle, leaflet, and logo sticker.
  • Enumerator will also get orientation from project staff about Safe House Renting App.
  1. Required qualifications of the Enumerator

STT is looking for enumerators with the following qualifications:

  • Experience in field data collecting or marketing for at least 1 year.
  • Ability to adhere to deadlines and flexibility.
  • Highly effective team player.
  • Good communication skills.
  1. Duration and Place of Work

The time of working are flexible and based on results.

  1. Service Fee

The enumerator fee is up to $4.50 per property registration, including tax and transportation cost during field work.

  1. How to Apply

Interested candidates should send their application and CV highlighting relevant experience and cover letter to STT’s Administration and Human Resources through email:

Note: Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted for discussions and interviews.

Closing date: June 21, 2023, before 5pm.


Immediately Release and Drop Charges Against CCFC staffers

Phnom Penh, 24 May 2023

The arrest of three staffers from the Coalition of Cambodian Farmer Community (CCFC) and the unfounded charges of incitement and plotting against the nation marks yet another case of Cambodian authorities imprisoning human rights defenders for their peaceful activism.

We, the undersigned groups, demand an end to the persecution of human rights defenders, and call for the three CCFC staffers to be immediately and unconditionally released, so they can continue their work.

On the morning of 18 May, police formally arrested Theng Savoeun, CCFC president; Nhel Pheap, a senior organizing officer; and Thann Hach, who works as a community facilitator. They were first detained in Kratie province on the way to Phnom Penh on 17 May while they were travelling with dozens of people following an event in Ratanakiri province, and later transferred to Ratanakiri Police Commissariat.

Their lawyer was only able to speak with Savoeun in Ratanakiri Police Commissariat after his arrest in Kratie on 1​9 May and before his transfer to Ratanakiri provincial court. On 22 May, their lawyer was again permitted to meet with Savoeun during his questioning at the Ratanakiri Provincial Court, and to briefly speak with Hach.

During the afternoon of 22 May, Investigating Judge Say Kouhav charged Savoeun, Pheap, and Hach with plotting under Article 453 and incitement under Articles 494 and 495 of the Criminal Code. The three men face up to 10 years in prison and fines of up to 4 million Riel (around US$1,000) if convicted.​ Based on a statement from the Ratanakiri court, Chan Vibol, an academic, has also been charged with the same offences.

These charges are baseless. CCFC is a farmer’s association founded in 2011 that works with more than 70 communities across 10 provinces, assisting farmers facing forced evictions and helping to promote land rights where it is needed most. The association supports local communities to stand up for their rights, and advocates for better livelihoods and land rights for rural farmers across Cambodia.

The work of human rights activists must not be equated to criminal incitement or plotting against the nation. Arresting CCFC staffers will not resolve the long-running land conflicts faced by its members. It will not silence the voices of the community leaders and representatives who demand justice for their neighbours, friends and families.

The arrests have sparked days of protests by land communities across the country, who know that these charges are an attempt to suppress their activism, and will ultimately hinder a resolution to their land conflicts.

Savoeun, Pheap and Hach need to be immediately freed, and the charges against them must be dropped. Community organising is not a crime. Releasing these activists is a crucial step towards achieving true peace and justice in Cambodia.

  1. 197 Land Community (Koh Kong)
  2. 243 Families of Pro Lean Village Land Community (Koh Kong)
  3. 955 land community (Koh Kong)
  4. Am Leang Community (Kampong Speu)
  5. Andong Trabek Land Community (Svay Rieng)
  6. Bos Snor Community (Tbong Khmum)
  7. Cambodian Alliance of Trade Unions (CATU)
  8. Cambodian Center for Human Rights (CCHR)
  9. Cambodian Center for Independent Media (CCIM)
  10. Cambodian Food and Service Workers’ Federation (CFSWF)
  11. Cambodian Human Rights and Development Association (ADHOC)
  12. Cambodian Labor Confederation (CLC)
  13. Cambodian League for the Promotion and Defense of Human Rights (LICADHO)
  14. Cambodian Tourism Workers Union Federation (CTWUF)
  15. Cambodian Youth Network (CYN)
  16. Cambodia’s Independent Civil Servants Association (CICA)
  17. Center for Alliance of Labor and Human Rights (CENTRAL)
  18. Charay Indigenous Community (Ratanak Kiri)
  19. Chi Kha Kraom Land Community (Koh Kong)
  20. Chi Kha Leu Land Community (Koh Kong)
  21. Choam Kravien Community (Tboung Khmum)
  22. Coalition of Cambodian Farmers Community Association (CCFC)
  23. Community to Protect Nature (Pursat)
  24. Dak Por Community (Kampong Speu)
  25. Equitable Cambodia (EC)
  26. Federation of Free Trade Union of Workers of the Kingdom of Cambodia (FTUWKC)
  27. Gender and Development for Cambodia (GADC)
  28. Independent Democracy of Informal Economy Association (IDEA)
  29. Indigenous Community in Prame Commune (Preah Vihear)
  30. Khmum Srakarthlork Community (Kampong Thom)
  31. Klaing Toek 78 Community (Siemreap)
  32. Kouy​ Indigenous​​ Community (Preah Vihear)
  33. Labour Right Supported Union Khmer Employee of Nagaworld (L.R.S.U)
  34. Land Community (Pailin)
  35. Mean Chey Land Community (Svay Rieng)
  36. Peam Ros Community (Kampong Speu)
  37. People Center for Development and Peace (PDP-Center)
  38. Phnom Krom Community (Siemreap)
  39. Phnom Tor Toeung Community (Kampot)
  40. Phum Sela Khmer Land Community (Banteay Meanchey)
  41. Prek Ksach Land Community (Koh Kong)
  42. Prey Chher Pech Changvar Laor Chhert Community (Kampong Chhnang)
  43. Prey Lang Community (Preah Vihear)
  44. Prey Peay Land Community (Kampot)
  45. Rattanak Rokha Forestry Community (Oddar Meanchey)
  46. Reaksmei Sameakki Community (Kampong Speu)
  47. Sahmakum Teang Tnaut (STT)
  48. Samaki Chek Meas Community (Svay Rieng)
  49. Samaki Romeas Haek Community (Svay Rieng)
  50. Samaki Sangkae Pir Mean Rith (Preah Vihear)
  51. Sre Prang Community (Tboung Khmum)
  52. Steung Khsach Sor Forestry Resource (Kampong Chhnang)
  53. Ta Ni Land Community (Siemreap)
  54. Ta Noun Land Community (Koh Kong)
  55. The Cambodian NGO Committee on CEDAW (NGO-CEDAW)
  56. The Committee for Free and Fair Elections in Cambodia (COMFREL)
  57. Thmar Da Community (Pursat)
  58. Tonlung Community (Tboung Khmum)
  59. Trapeang Chour Community (Kampong Speu)
  60. Trapeang Pring Community (Tboung Khmum)
  61. Youth Resources Development Program (YRDP)

PDF format:  Download full statement in Khmer Download full statement in English

Press Release Celebration of the 112th Anniversary of International Women’s Day under the topic “Protecting Women and Girls for Inclusive Justice”

Phnom Penh, 01 March 2023

We, a group of civil society organizations (CSOs) including unions, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and associations working for promoting women’s rights and gender equality in Cambodia, such as the Cambodian Food and Service Workers’ Federation (CFSWF), Cambodian Center for Human Rights (CCHR), Cambodian Alliance of Trade Union (CATU), Cambodian Tourism Workers Union Federation (BWTUC), Labour Right Supported Union (LRSU), Independent Democracy of Informal Economy Association (IDEA), Cambodian Youth Network Association (CYN), Youth Resource Development Program (YRDP), Center for Alliance of Labor and Human Rights (CENTRAL), Sahmakum Teang Tnaut Organization (STT), Cambodian Human Rights and Development Association (ADHOC), Cambodian League for the Promotion and Defense of Human Rights (LICADHO), Klahaan Organization, and Equitable Cambodia (EC), have the honor to inform the general public, and national and international journalists that we are going to celebrate the 112th anniversary of the International Women’s Day . The topic for the 2023 commemoration is “Protecting Women and Girls for Inclusive Justice”.

The purpose of this celebration is to recognize the hard work and efforts made by women, girls, and women human rights defenders (WHRDs) from all sectors, to raise public awareness about the demands and challenges of women and girls and demand the government to address their essential needs, concerns for social protection system and injustices of vulnerable women and girls.

Please be informed about this event and join us in celebrating it through the following activities:

  • On 01 March 2023, we will start posting our daily countdown flyers to alert the date of the open-space celebration of International Women’s Day.
  • From 01 March 2023 to 07 March 2023, we are going to publish seven subsequent videos showing the requests to address 17 demands from different
  • On 02 March 2023, we will host a radio talk show on “The Campaign for International Women’s Day 2023”.
  • On 08 March 2023, we will conduct an open-space event for 500 participants at Freedom Park to commemorate International Women’s Day in 2023”. The theme for this event is “Protecting Women and Girls for Inclusive Justice”

For additional information, please contact:

  1. OU Tephallin Tel. (+855) 11 984 883
  2. YANG Sophorn Tel. (+855) 12 880 039
  3. CHAK Sopheap Tel. (+855) 11 943 213
  4. MEAS Sa Im Tel. (+855) 86 382 666
  5. KHON Tharo Tel. (855) 93 556 671

PDF format:  Download full statement in Khmer Download full statement in English

Joint Statement: Media and Civil Society Groups Deeply Disturbed by Government’s Decision to Revoke VOD’s Media License and the Sexual Harassment of a Female Reporter

We, the undersigned media and civil society organizations, are deeply disturbed by Prime Minister Hun Sen’s order to revoke the license of Voice of Democracy (VOD), one of the last remaining independent media outlets in Cambodia. We also condemn the recent sexual harassment and intimidation of a female VOD journalist.

The closure of VOD and the harassment of a female VOD journalist undermine the government’s own claims regarding respect for the free press in Cambodia and appear to reflect a failure to uphold the 1995 Law on the Press. The decision to revoke VOD’s media license ahead of the July 2023 national elections represents a fresh wave of intimidation tactics against the country’s dwindling independent media that mirrors the 2017 closure of the Cambodia Daily and the 2018 sale of the Phnom Penh Post.

On February 9, VOD published an article in Khmer quoting government spokesperson H.E. Phay Siphan as saying that, “it is not wrong for Hun Manet to play his father’s role in providing aid to Turkey.” H.E. Hun Manet later denied playing that role on his social media, and requested an immediate correction and for VOD to provide evidence of his signature on the document authorizing aid.

On February 11, Prime Minister Hun Sen posted on his Facebook page demanding that VOD issue a public apology to the government and his son within 72 hours, or else he said he would order the Ministry of Information to revoke VOD’s media license. On February 12, Hun Sen made another Facebook post shortening the deadline to 10 a.m., February 13.

Prime Minister Hun Sen’s arbitrary deadline signals a serious threat to all independent media and journalists in Cambodia. Cambodia has existing laws for how to deal with an alleged misquote or factual error in a media report. Article 10 of Cambodia’s Press Law states that people have the right to demand a retraction and reply from a publisher when they believe a statement is false, and a publisher must reply within seven days. There is also a right to sue for defamation and libel.

Prime Minister Hun Sen’s apparent decision to not use this law, and instead revoke the license of VOD, as well as Minister of Information Khieu Kanharith’s subsequent Facebook post declaring it a “lesson” for other media, suggests that the move was made to silence one of the few remaining independent news publications in the country ahead of the national election.

Already, as of the morning of February 13, access to VOD’s websites – both Khmer and English – appears to have been blocked by major internet service providers and mobile service providers within Cambodia.

We call on the government to resolve the issue in a calm, professional and respectful manner that is in line with Cambodian law and that does not do lasting damage to Cambodia’s media landscape. We believe that the closure of VOD would represent a grave step backwards for both press freedoms and the rule of law in Cambodia.

Moreover, we rebuke the abusive and misogynistic language used by Mr. Pheng Vannak and others on social media against the female reporter who authored the VOD article in question. We hope the government, through relevant ministries such as the Ministry of Information and the Ministry of Women’s Affairs, will join us in calling for Mr. Vannak and others to apologize to the reporter in question and to stop his blatant acts of sexual harassment directed towards female reporters.

No journalist should ever be attacked as a result of their work or identity.

The role of independent media is indispensable to democracy. The United Nations Human Rights Committee has stressed that a free media is essential to democratic processes and should be allowed to operate without restraint.

We hope the government acknowledges the essential role of VOD and its journalists, along with the remaining independent media outlets in the country, and their right to do their work in accordance with the law and without fear of intimidation and harassment.

This statement is signed by:
1. Cambodian Journalists Alliance Association (CamboJA)
2. Cambodian Female Journalists (CFJ)
3. Overseas Press Club of Cambodia (OPCC)
4. Cambodian League for the Promotion and Defense of Human Rights (LICADHO)
5. The Alliance of Independent Journalists/AJI (Indonesia)
6. National Union of Journalists of the Philippines/NUJP (Philippines)
7. The Center for Independent Journalism (Malaysia)
8. Gerakan Media Merdeka/Geramm (Malaysia)
9. Freedom Film Network (Malaysia)
10. Journalist Association Timor Leste/AJTL (Timor Leste)
11. Foreign Correspondents’ Club of Japan (FCCJ)
12. Taiwan Foreign Correspondents’ Club (TFCC)
13. The International Federation of Journalists (Asia-Pacific)
14. Cambodian Human Rights and Development Association (ADHOC)
15. The Cambodian Youth Network Association (CYN)
16. Committee for Free and Fair Elections in Cambodia (COMFREL)
17. Labour Right Supported Union Khmer Employee of Nagaworld (L.R.S.U)
18. Cambodian Tourism Workers Union Federation (CTWUF)
19. Independent Democracy of Informal Economy Association (IDEA)
20. Center for Alliance of Labor and Human Rights (CENTRAL)
21. Cambodian Alliance of Trade Unions (CATU)
22. Cambodian Informal Economy Workers Association (CIWA)
23. Community Legal Education Center (CLEC)
24. The Asian Network for Free Elections (ANFREL)
25. Coalition of Cambodian Farmers Community Association (CCFC)
26. Equitable Cambodia (EC)
27. CIVICUS: World Alliance for Citizen Participation
28. Cambodian Institute for Democracy
29. Jakarta Foreign Correspondents Club (JFCC)
30. Kanopi hijau, Indonesia
31. MilkTeaAlliance Calendar Team, regional/ transnational
32. International Dialogue (IID)
33. ALTSEAN-Burma, Myanmar
34. Innovation for Change-East Asia, Bangkok, Thailand
35. MilkTeaAlliance Friends of Myanmar, Myanmar
36. Asia Democracy Network (ADN), South Korea
37. DAKILA, Philippines
38. Ruang MES 56, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
39. Gender and Development for Cambodia (GADC)
40. Independent Trade Union Federation (INTUFE)
41. Solidarity House (SH)
42. EngageMedia, Asia-Pacific
43. Cambodia Labor Confederation (CLC)
44. Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development (FORUM-ASIA)
45. Cambodian Food and Service Workers’ Federation (CFSWF)
46. Free Independent Trade Union Federation (FUFI)
47. Cambodia’s Independent Civil Servants Association (CICA)
48. Foreign Correspondents Club of Thailand, (FCCT) Professional Committee
49. Foreign Correspondents Association of the Philippines (FOCAP)
50. 197 Land Community (Koh Kong)
51. Andong Trabek Land Community (Svay Rieng)
52. Areng Indigenous Community (Koh Kong)
53. BoeungPramCommunity (Battambang)
54. Bos Snor Community (Tbong Khmum)
55. Charay Indigenous Community (Ratanakkiri)
56. Chi Kha Kraom Land Community (Koh Kong)
57. Chi Kha Leu Land Community (Koh Kong)
58. Community to Protect Nature (Pursat)
59. Dak Por Community (Kampong Speu)
60. Khmer Thavrak
61. Klaing Toek 78 Community (Siem Reap)
62. Koh Sralao Fishery Community (Koh Kong)
63. Kouy Indigenous Community (Preah Vihear)
64. Land Community (Pailin)
65. Lor Peang Community (Kampong Chhnang)
66. Mean Chey Land Community (Svay Rieng)
67. Mother Nature Cambodia (MNC)
68. Ou Vor Preng Community (Battambang)
69. Peam Ros Community (Kampong Speu)
70. Phnom Krom Community (Siem Reap)
71. Phum Sela Khmer Land Community (Banteay Meanchey)
72. Prek Ksach Land Community (Koh Kong)
73. Prey Chher Pech Changvar Laor Chhert Community (Kampong Chhnang)
74. Prey Peay Land Community (Kampot)
75. Samaki Chek Meas Community (Svay Rieng)
76. Samaki Romeas Haek Community (Svay Rieng)
77. Samaki Sangkae Pir Mean Rith (Preah Vihear)
78. Sre Ampel Water Fall Tourism Forestry Community (Kampong Chhnang)
79. Sre Ampel Water Fall Tourism Forestry Community (Kampong Chhnang)
80. Sre Prang Community (Tboung Khmum)
81. Ta Noun Land Community (Koh Kong)
82. Thmar Da Community (Pursat)
83. Tonlung Community (Tboung Khmum)
84. Sahmakum Teang Tnaut Organization -STT
85. Federation of Free Trade Union of Workers of the Kingdom of Cambodia (FTUWKC)
86. NARA-Youth, the Philippines
87. The Cambodian NGO Committee on CEDAW (NGO-CEDAW)
88. Youth Resource Development Program(YRDP)
89. PDP Center
90. Transparency International Cambodia
91. Reporters Without Border (RSF)
92. Crisis in Zimbabwe Coalition, Africa
93. Building and Wood Workers Trade Union Federation of Cambodia (BWTUC)
94. Women Peace Makers (WPM)
95. Cambodian Center for Human Rights (CCHR)
96. Cambodian Human Rights Action Coalition (CHRAC)

PDF format:  Download full statement in Khmer Download full statement in English

Call for Grant Applications Research/Studies   on Human Rights and the Environment 

1. Introduction 

Sahmakum Teangtnaut (STT) is located in Phnom Penh. STT was founded in 2005 and officially registered in 2006 as a local NGO supporting urban poor communities. “Teang Tnaut” means “palm leave” and palm leaves are used by poor communities to build roofs, and walls for their houses. This is simplistic name was chosen to forever remind STT that its work serves the poorest number of societies. STT started as a small NGO that focused on technical upgrades in poor communities but over the past decade, many communities have been affected by development, eviction, and relocation. As a result, STT has since grown to produce community maps, and research advocacy in order to achieve its goals of helping poor communities realize their rights to land and housing. STT efforts in Phnom Penh alone have reached 270,000 people. STT and its partners have helped communities express their concerns to national and international media donors as well as national and international NGOs.   

2. Background 

Development is increasing at an unprecedented rate, in Phnom Penh, leading to long-lasting environmental and social impacts. Wasteful and unsustainable housing for the rich, which is routinely undertaken prior to conducting comprehensive environmental and social impact assessments, is undermining the enjoyment of decent housing for the urban poor and contributing to the current climate crisis. 

Cambodia comprises the largest youth and adolescent population in the South East Asian region. The involvement of young people in social and environmental development issues has been observed via social media and in groups throughout Phnom Penh. As a result, the youth are critical players in the building and strengthening public outreach and awareness on urban and environmental issues in Phnom Penh, and manifest great potential to drive economic and social development. 

We are interested in original research proposals analyzing one of the topics below, from a human rights and environmental perspective:
– Poverty and Human Rights
– Rights of Persons with Disabilities
Women’s Rights
Environment and Human Rights
Environment and sustainability
Trash in Phnom Penh
Flooding in Phnom Penh
Good governance of communal development plans in the urban poor community
Economic of urban poor in Phnom Penh
Other topics related to Environment and Human rights 

3. Purpose

This project will aim to build the capacity of groups who are generally not given a voice, such as the members of the urban poor and the youth so that they are able to raise their concerns to people outside the community to know their problems and could find the solutions as soon as possible, and one more thing, we want community members or youths  could make the report/ research paper as their advocacy tools to make their activities in the community more strangers.  

4. Sahmakum Teang Tnaut will be Offers:

– Research grant: 800 USD to conduct individual research​ or group research.
– Technical support and monitoring during the research. 
– Opportunity to be supported by STT to disseminate the paper via a soft launch on STT’s website.

5. Eligibility

Applicants are to meet the following criteria: 

– Be nationals of Cambodia
– Community members or youths from poor communities
Applicants must have reached at least year two of a relevant university bachelor program, or be 
– P
ursuing a graduate degree
– A candidate has the right to research only one topic 

6. Deliverables expected from the researchers

The researchers are expected to join the various training and meetings organized by STT and produce the following deliverables. 

7. Timeline 

No.  Activity  Date 
1  Announcement   08 to 20 February 2023 
2  Orientation Meeting   23 February 2023 
3  Submitting Application  28 February 2023 
4  Shortlist candidates and Interview candidates  01- 03 March 2023 
5  Inform successor candidates   06 March 2023 
6  First meeting and signing agreement   09 March 2023 
7  Providing technical support by STT   13 – 15 March 2023 
8  First Draft submission   3 April 2023 
9  STT gives the feedback comments   17 April 2023 
10  Second submission   20 May 2023 
11  STT gives the feedback comments   4 June 2023 
12  Final Paper submission   19 June 2023 
13  Reflection meeting with all grantees   3 July 2023 

 8. How to apply 

The interested candidate could register at

Apply before 20 February 2023. 



JOB ANNOUNCEMENT:Advocacy and Campaign Officer, Housing Rights Project Officer, Community Empowerment Project Officer and Project Intern

Sahmakum Teang Tnaut (STT) is a non-governmental organization, non-profitable, was set up in September 2005 and officially registered with the ministry of interior in December 2006. STT tries to reflect in its work with urban communities. From the outset, STT has had a focus on infrastructure upgrading, but over the past decade, many communities have been impacted by development relating to land alienation and evictions. Because of this, STT has strengthened its research and advocacy to draw attention to a development policy that in Phnom Penh alone has led to 270,000 residents being displaced since 1990. By supporting genuine community complaints and grievances, STT and its partners have been helping communities articulate their concerns to local and international Medias, donors and other NGOs and INGOs. Visit us at

To support our projects, STT is looking for qualified candidates to join our dynamic team for the following positions:

*Advocacy and Campaign Officer

Position          : Advocacy and Campaign Officer
Unit                 : Program staff
Reporting to     : Research and Documentation Project Manager
Hiring             : 1 Position
Starting Date     : 1st February 2023
Schedule          : Full Time (Monday-Friday)
Salary              : Negotiation            

Key Responsibilities:

  1. Advocacy and Campaign:
    – Take lead and implement advocacy actions and campaigns under STT’s advocacy plan
    – Manage external relationship, participate and facilitate with partner NGOs to organize events and campaign
    – Coordinate advocacy material and content productions based on STT’s existing resources and campaigns
    – Develop communications materials for the campaigns including social media, media releases, submissions, etc
  2. Field Monitoring:
    – Monitor on community advocacy events, NGOs advocacy, or similar events
    – Research, documentation and reporting on cases of Land and Housing Rights violation.
    – To link STT to the land and housing rights issues at community level by making frequent visits to key areas (such as communities under threat of eviction, or relocation sites) and report/document the situation.
    – To assist Community Project team in promoting the work of STT within urban poor communities.
  3. Project Innovation: To keep abreast of technical developments in project fields and to maintain an overview of the social and political climates affecting contact communities. In particular to focus on communities facing eviction and general urban developments, and options for research-based advocacy responses.
  4. Other Project and Tasks: To assist other project tasks and other additional tasks as requested by other Managers and/or Management Committee.


– At least Bachelor’s degree in related fields such as law, social science, community development, or other related fields.
– At least two years of work experience relating to advocacy activities
– Strong interest in working with non-profit organizations
– Good communication and networking skills with a range of stakeholders including communities, representatives of other NGOs and colleagues in both Khmer and English.
– An enthusiastic attitude towards work and a willingness to be involved in organizational activities.
– Demonstrated highly developed interpersonal, oral and written communication skills in English, including the ability to effectively negotiate and communicate specific issues where there are competing agendas and priorities.

*Housing Rights Project Officer

Position          : Housing Rights Project Officer
Unit                 : Rights to the City Program
Reporting to     : Housing Rights Project Manager
Hiring             : 1 Position
Starting Date     : 1st February 2023
Schedule          : Full Time (Monday-Friday)
Salary              : Negotiation                                       


  1. Project Management: Assist the Project Manager in project management in terms of project planning, organizing, leading, monitoring and evaluation.
  2. Project Implementation: Under the supervision of the Project Manager, undertake specific activities including:
    Community monitoring: To monitor target communities’ events and other cases of land conflict.
    Community Profiling: To write and produce a profile of the community and another report on the land conflict
    Community Survey: To participate in designing and completing surveys of target communities working with STT staff and assist collaboration with communities and local authorities
    Legal Analysis: To collect and analyze data collected through surveys, interviews, and other means and support to write legal advice sheet with exiting template
    Workshop, Training, Meeting, Exhibition: To involve, assist, and organizes any pieces of training, meetings, and workshops in relation to project implementation under the instruction of the Project Manager.
    Facebook Livestream: To organize and facilitate livestream for promotion freedom of expression to enhance good governance, human rights, and democracy in Cambodia.
  3. Project Innovation: To keep abreast of technical development in project fields and to maintain an overview of the social and political climates affecting contact communities.
  4. Other Project and Tasks: To assist other project tasks and other additional tasks as required by other Managers and/or Management Committee.


– At least Bachelor’s degree in related fields such as law, social science, community development, or other related fields.
– At least two years of work experience relating to fields.
– Strong interest in working with non-profit organizations
– Good communication and networking skills with a range of stakeholders including communities, representatives of other NGOs and colleagues in both Khmer and English.
– An enthusiastic attitude towards work and a willingness to be involved in organizational activities.
– Demonstrated highly developed interpersonal, oral and written communication skills in English, including the ability to effectively negotiate and communicate specific issues where there are competing agendas and priorities.

*Community Empowerment Project Officer

Position          : Community Empwerment Project Officer
Unit                 : Land and Housing Right Program
Reporting to     : Community Empowerment Project Manager
Hiring             : 1 Position
Starting Date     : 1st February 2023
Schedule          : Full Time (Monday-Friday)
Salary              : Negotiation                            


  1. Project Management: Assist the Project Manager in project management in terms of project planning, organizing, leading, monitoring and evaluation.
  2. Project Implementation: Under the supervision of the Project Manager, undertake specific activities including:
    Community monitoring: To link STT to the land and housing rights issues at community level by making frequent visits to key areas (such as communities under threat of eviction, or relocation sites) and report/document the situation. To assist Community Project team in promoting the work of STT within urban poor communities.
    Network and meeting support: To assist community-based networks in providing support, information, and linkages to other civil society groups. To attend and support informal and formal meetings at community level. To assist the Manager to organise exchange visits between and trainings for communities.
    NGO/Government meetings: To attend and report on NGO and Government meetings related to housing rights in Phnom Penh, in particular the Housing Rights Task Force (HRTF) and the Resettlement Action Network (RAN) meetings, in coordination with the Project team. To provide input when appropriate and to document the meeting.
    Documentation: To keep abreast of developments in the circumstances faced by urban poor communities, to maintain an overview of the social and political climates affecting these communities and methods of successfully resisting evictions. To provide data and assistance to the Senior Project Officer for documentation in the Community Database, and for publication on the website and in other media. To share information with partners as appropriate.
    Youth Work: To support the Community Project Manager in liaising with local universities and organizing activities for local youth, including an annual student workshop and lecture series.
    Other projects: To assist Community Project Manager and other projects as required by the Land and Housing Right Program Manager and Executive Director.
  3. Project Innovation: To keep abreast of technical development in project fields and to maintain an overview of the social and political climates affecting contact communities.
  4. Other Project and Tasks: To assist other project tasks and other additional tasks as required by other Managers and/or Management Committee.


– At least Bachelor’s degree in related fields such as law, social science, community development, or other related fields.
– At least two years of work experience relating to fields.
– Strong interest in working with non-profit organizations
– Good communication and networking skills with a range of stakeholders including communities, representatives of other NGOs and colleagues in both Khmer and English.
– An enthusiastic attitude towards work and a willingness to be involved in organizational activities.
– Demonstrated highly developed interpersonal, oral and written communication skills in English, including the ability to effectively negotiate and communicate specific issues where there are competing agendas and priorities.

*Project Intern

Unit                 : Rights to the City Program
Reporting to     : Community Mapping, Housing Improvement and Urban Resilience Project Manager
Hiring             : 6 Positions
Starting Date     : January 2023
Schedule          : Full Time (Monday-Friday)
Salary              : USD 150

Main responsibilities:

– To assist Project Officer to design and complete monitoring and evaluation of STT target communities and assisting collaboration with communities
– Do field and desk work for data collection and support the analysis of the collected data
– Attend the training on how to utilize materials for gathering the data
– Go to the designated field works for data enumeration
– Prepare questionnaire and entry data into the designed system
– To assist additional tasks as required by the Project Manager
– Assist to prepare relevant documentaries for any training, meeting, site visit and material distribution to the target community


– At least a university student or a recent graduate in Law, Social & Environmental Science, or a related field
– Ability to use a computer with application relevant to the study fields
– Good verbal and written communication skills in English and Khmer
– Willing to learn and commit to work full time and can travel to target communities (as required)
– Be honest, loyalty, friendly and hardworking

How to Apply:

Interested and qualified candidates are required to submit a cover letter and resume (CV) via e-mail to or to STT’s address provided below by January 09, 2023. Applications that do not indicate the position being applied for will not be considered. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for an interview. Note: People with disabilities and women are encouraged to apply.

The Identification of Poor Household Program: ID poor Card on Demand for Poor Communities in Phnom Penh

The Identification of Poor Household Program is one of Cambodia’s first social protection mechanisms. It allows individuals to access services that provide the poor with public services and financial assistance. The report found that the authorities’ decision to provide ID-poor cards to some families was unclear, while some ID-poor cardholders had trouble using the card to receive free government services. Seventy-three percent of the 37 communities surveyed complained about the implementation of the Identification of Poor Households Program and the way the authorities implemented it. In addition, the communities interviewed articulated disappointment as they thought they should receive an ID Poor card:

A community member said: ID Poor cards are disseminated only to those who have friends or relatives. “Sometimes I feel frustrated with this procedure, and I always wonder why the ID poor card is given only to the rich and not to the poor.”


On the other hand, although some community members received ID-poor cards, some of them still have problems using the equity card services:

“Government officials who work in government hospitals are not able to talk or take care of me as the patient. They just give me the serum and leave me. They don’t seem to care much about the poor.” A Community member.


To find out more about this research report, please visit:

You can download the report here! KhmerEnglish

For further information please contact:
Mr. Soeung Saran, Executive Director of Sahmakum Teang Tnaut.
: 089 666 013

Mrs. Prak Sotheary, Research Advocacy Advisor at Sahmakum Teang Tnaut.
: 012 464 500